Unit 1 Vocabulary
Southern Colonies Relied on agriculture due to warmer climate and fertile soil Relied on indentured servants then slaves for labor to produce cash crops
Middle Colonies Economy was a mixture of agriculture and trade More tolerant and diverse than New England
New England Economy relied mostly on trade and shipping Colonists located on coastal regions and rivers benefitted from being centers of trade and transportation
Virginia Company Joint-stock company that provided the funding for the colony of Jamestown Investors hoped settlers would find gold and earn profits for them
Tobacco Cultivation John Rolfe introduced a new strain of tobacco that grew well in Virginia Tobacco became a cash crop and saved Jamestown
Powhatan The Native American group living in the Jamestown area They were often in conflict with the English settlers over land
House of Burgesses Legislative body in Virginia First example of representative government in the American colonies, will become an example for democratic tradition in America
Bacon’s Rebellion Nathaniel Bacon and poor farmers rebel against the wealthy landowners and government in Jamestown Reflects the American ideal that not only the elite should have a say in the government, and also led to increase in slavery over indentured servants
Development of Slavery At first, the labor force was made up mostly of indentured servants who worked for a period of 5 years before gaining freedom Tobacco becoming a cash crop and tensions from Bacon’s Rebellion led to plantation owners using slaves instead
Religious Reasons for Settlement of New England Pilgrims came to Plymouth colony to separate from the Anglican Church. They wrote the Mayflower Compact Puritans settled in Massachusetts Bay colony and wanted to purify the Anglican Church.
King Phillip’s War Colonists in New England were in conflict with Native Americans over land. Metacom (King Phillip) went to war with the colonists to try to stop it. Colonists win. Metacom’s defeat by the English colonists marked the end of Native American resistance in the region.
Government in New England The Puritan church controlled much of the government in Massachusetts Bay The legislature in Mass. Bay was called the General Court Town meetings were also common – locals would meet to discuss issues and vote Citizens who were male and church members had a say in government
Religious Tensions in New England Roger Williams was banished from Mass. Bay because he believed it was wrong to take land from the Indians He founded Rhode Island and guaranteed separation of Church and state and religious freedom Anne Hutchinson fled to RI when she was banished for leading bible studies
Half-way covenant Gave partial membership to descendants of church members without a conversion experience Church leaders hoped the young people would want full membership and stay part of the Puritan church Puritan leaders wanted to keep control of the colony
Salem Witch Trials 25 people condemned to death after being accused of witchcraft in Salem, Mass. Result of strict Puritan church having control over government and laws Also shows impact of harsh life in New England colonies
Loss of Massachusetts Charter Unrest in Massachusetts led to loss of the colony’s charter and the king took over Mass. Bay became a royal colony under the rule of a governor appointed by the king
Settlement of New Amsterdam Settled and called New Amsterdam by Dutch as settlement focused on the fur trade. Taken by the English and renamed New York. The English wanted to remove the “Dutch Wedge” and unite their southern and New England colonies.
Pennsylvania Founded by William Penn and the Quakers on the principle of religious freedom The Quakers got along better with Native Americans than many settlers and were more tolerant and peaceful
Quebec First permanent French settlement in North America Goals: –Friendly relations with the Native Americans –Make money from the fur trade –Convert Native Americans to Catholicism
Mercantilism The belief that the purpose of a colony was to make the mother-country richer and more powerful. England’s Trans-Atlantic “Triangle” trade network was developed to get the most profit possible from the English colonies.
Middle Passage The voyage of slaves on slave ships from West Africa to the American colonies. –Terrible conditions –High death rates Called the middle passage because it was the middle part of the “Triangle Trade.”
Growth of African population As a result of the increasing need for slave labor in southern colonies and the trans- Atlantic trade, the number of slaves grew in the American colonies African-American culture was diverse; slaves came from completely different backgrounds
Great Awakening Religious movement that called for people to search for truth themselves instead of relying on the church. This led people to question traditional authorities like the church or even the king.
Benjamin Franklin Example of self-made man; he was not born wealthy but hard work and intelligence made him rich, famous, respected, and successful Social mobility: he moves up in social classes Individualism: believed you should improve yourself and fulfill your potential