General Vocabulary Primary Source- letter, autobiography, maps. etc Physical map – geographic features Political map – country and state borders Nomad- follows their food Cultural diffusion – adapting/ blending of cultures Ethics - morals Code of conduct - a set of rules of how to behave
#1 1. Which document is considered a primary source? (1) encyclopedia article (3) biography (2) modern textbook (4) personal letters
#2 2. Which feature would most likely appear on a physical map? population densities climate patterns (2) land usage patterns (4) Mountain Ranges
Neolithic Revolution change from nomads to: Domestication Crops and jobs Establishment of villages
#3 What is the main reason the Neolithic Revolution is considered a turning point in world history? Fire was used as a source of energy for the first time. Spoken language was used to improve communication. Domestication of animals and cultivation of crops led to settled communities. Stone tools and weapons were first developed.
River Valley Civilizations Indus River Nile River Tigris River Euphrates River Huang (yellow) River Egypt Cuneiform Hieroglyphics Law Hammurabi’s Code Sumerian Phoenicians Indus Valley Papyrus Alphabet
#4 One similarity found in both Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations is that each developed a monotheistic religion Ziggurat Compass Written Language
#5 The Phoenicians are often referred to as the "carriers of civilization" because they introduced Islam and Christianity to Central Africa established colonies throughout northern Europe developed the first carts with wheels traded goods and spread ideas throughout the Mediterranean region
India Hindu Kush Mountains Ghats Diverse geography Gupta Maura Caste System Concept of zero Sanskrit
#6 The Himalaya Mountains, the Ghat Mountains, the Deccan Plateau, and the Thar Desert are similar in that they contribute to South Asia’s national unity political stability cultural diversity population growth
Greece Parthenon Democracy Acropolis Archipelago Sparta Julius Caesar Architecture Art Alexander the Great
#7 Which ancient civilization established the basis of western democracy? Phoenician Egyptian Sumerian Greek
#8 Alexander the Great’s conquests of Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, and Persia led to the spread of Hellenic culture adoption of a feudal system establishment of representative democracy spread of Islamic culture throughout Europe
Rome Peninsula Mediterranean Democracy Republic Caesar Architecture 12 Tablets Senate Bread and Circus Gladiator Collusiem
#9 A major contribution (achievement or legacy) of the Roman Republic to Western European culture was the 1. concept of government by laws 2. belief that political power should be controlled by the military 3. establishment of agricultural communes 4. rejection of the concept of slavery
China Silk Road Great Wall Tang Song Chinese Legalism Woodblock printing Gunpowder Movable type
#10 One way in which the Silk Roads and the West African trade routes are similar is that along both routes (1) the main items exchanged were ivory and tobacco (2) concrete was used to improve the surface of the roads (3) a single currency was used to make transactions easier (4) ideas were exchanged as merchants interacted with each other
Byzantine Empire Constantinople Location Orthodox Church Preserve Roman and Greek culture
Constantinople was a thriving city in the 1200s mainly because of its location on a major trade route between (1) China and southern Africa (2) the Atlantic Ocean and the Baltic Sea (3) the Inca Empire and the Aztec Empire (4) Asia and eastern Europe
Islamic Empire (Golden Age) Advancements and discoveries in math and science Location of Mecca Astrolabe 1001 Nights (Arabian Nights) Dome of the Rock Muhammad Koran
A major feature of the Golden Age of Moslem culture was the political and economic isolation of the Arab world development of the foundations of modern science and mathematics adoption of democratic government persecution of Jews and Christians
Middle Ages Medieval Dark Ages Feudalism Loyalty Service Land Manor Social structure Crusades (goals, results) Holy Land Jerusalem Church Salvation Black Death
Which institution served as the primary unifying force in medieval western Europe? legislature church military Monarchy
What is a primary characteristic of a feudal society? (1) a representative government (2) economic equality for all (3) protection of individual rights (4) an exchange of land for services
African Kingdoms Sahara Desert Ghana Mali Great Zimbabwe Gold Salt trade Mansa Musa Timbuktu
Mongols Genghis Khan Khan Pox Mongolia Kublai Khan Marco Polo
Religions Five Pillars 10 Commandments Brahma Dharma Moksha Eightfold Path Four Noble Truths Fie Pillars Praying 5 X day Fasting Jihad Pilgrimage Mecca Polytheism Monotheism