2 Czech 100 Czech for Travelers Czech for Travelers Lesson 1 - Introduction
3 Introduction Instructor: Luboš Malý Cell phone: Office hours: whenever (appointment) Czech Republic Czech for Travelers
4 About me: Luboš Malý (Prague, Czech Republic) Age: 23 Studies: Bachelor degree (earned 2007) Economics and Management of Chemical and Food Industry (Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic) Master’s degree Economics and Management of Chemical and Food Industry (Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic) Financial Management (City University of Seattle, USA) Work experince: Tennis coach and Director of a Tennis school Procter & Gamble (CZ) – 2008 (Production lines designing) Interests: sports (tennis, floorball, skiing, cycling…), music (drums)… Czech for Travelers
5 Goals of the course Basics of Czech grammar Everyday situation vocabulary Cultural specificities Famous people Events Music, movies … Czech for Travelers “You should be able to survive in the Czech environment”
6 Evaluation - attendance Total lessons: 15 You can miss: 2 (and still get full 5% for attendance) If 3 or 4 missed lessons you get 2% or 0% respectively If 5 and more lessons missed – you will fail the course Attendance is 5% of the final grade “The later you come, the earlier you have to leave the class” Czech for Travelers
7 Evaluation - participation Bonus points for answering questions based on reading assignments Bonus points could be given for activity as well First 5 get full participation score Participation is 10% of the final grade “The more I know about you, the better” Czech for Travelers
8 Evaluation - quizzes Every lesson (see schedule) Grammar, vocabulary, people, culture … easy Usually 10 questions I will cross out the worst quiz If you miss the class without an excuse = 0 points Average score counts at the end of semester Quizzes are 10% of the final grade “Paying attention counts!” Czech for Travelers
9 Evaluation – oral examination Every lesson (see schedule) Short dialog Everybody should have 3 oral examinations If you miss the class without an excuse = 0 points Average score counts at the end of semester Oral examination is 5% of the final grade “Talk to me!” Czech for Travelers
10 Evaluation – current issue You will be given an assignment during the semester (or you can come up with your own) Presentation (+discussion) Try to get as deep to the Czech soul as possible Prepare questions for the discussion Current issue assignment is 20% of the final grade “Do you understand Czechs?” Czech for Travelers
11 Evaluation – midterm exam Writing part – 50 points Listening part – 50 points Grammar, vocabulary, people, culture Midterm exam is 20% of the final grade Date: October 16, 2008, 7:30 p.m. “Be prepared!” Czech for Travelers
12 Evaluation – final exam Oral part – 50 points Writing part – 50 points Listening part – 50 points Grammar, vocabulary, people, culture Final exam is 30% of the final grade Date: ??? (December 18, 7 p.m.) ??? “Be prepared for everything!” Czech for Travelers
13 Materials Textbook(s): L.Holá, (2007), Czech Express 1, Akropolis, ISBN: L.Holá, (2007), Czech Express 2, Akropolis, ISBN: Readings: T.Nollen, (2005), Culture Shock! Czech Republic, Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company, ISBN-13: Links CDs “God Bless K-State online!” Czech for Travelers
14 But! Everything can change due to your inputs, needs, current situation…tornados Changes will be posted on KSO and you’ll be sent an as well “That’s the way we do things in the Czech Republic…” Czech for Travelers
15 Let’s Start! Yeah! Czech for Travelers
16 Lesson TOP 10 FAQ - Done Czech alphabet - Done Nová slova a fráze - Done Page 9 - Undone Czech for Travelers
17 Alhabet A B C Č D Ď E F G H CH I J K L M N Ň O P Q R Ř S Š T Ť U V W X Y Z Ž Pronunciation hints and tips are in pronunciation.pdf Czech for Travelers
18 Vowels Short: A, E, I/Y, O, U, Ě (Y+E) Long: Á, É, Í/Ý, Ó, Ú/Ů (ú**,*ů*) Czech for Travelers
19 Consonants Soft (followed by i): Ž, Š, Č, Ř, C, J, Ď, Ť, Ň Hard (followed by y): H, CH, K, R, D, T, N Ambiguos (followed by i or y): B, F, L, M, P, S, V, Z Czech for Travelers
20 NOTES - 1 If D,T,N are followed by „I“ in the text the sound is softened DI=[ĎI]≠[DY], TI=[ŤI] ≠[TY], NI=[ŇI] ≠[NY] Other vowels do not have this function! „I“ hasn‘t that softening function in foreign words and the sound is: Titán = [TITÁN] = [TYTÁN] Czech for Travelers
21 NOTES - 2 The first syllable is stressed! Sobota (Saturday)=[SObota] If there is a preposition before a word then put stress on the preposition Ve středu (on Wednesday)=[VE středu] Czech for Travelers
22 For the next lesson: Compulsory Reading: First Impressions Revise: vocabulary – Lesson 1 voc phrases Revise: pronunciation – alphabet Optional Czech for Travelers
23 Pronunciation revision: Optional (but very good for you): Since I don‘t know whether language learning center have installed audio materials properly – I offer: Outdoor pronunciation session Tue September 2, 8:15 Main entrance Hale Library Czech for Travelers
24 Tonguetwister: „Strč prst skrz krk“ Czech for Travelers