Clarifying Retreat
Connection to Student Performance TODAY CSIP ASPIRING Goal Staff Development Objectives & Actions Observations Hypotheses Connection to Student Performance
Reviewing Improvement Goals Improvement goals are the bridge from data analysis to improvement planning. Data Analysis Improvement Planning GOALS
ASPIRING GOALS A Assessable S Specific P Purposeful I Inclusive Measurable with a defined assessment process or tool S Specific Intensity of focus for students P Purposeful Stretches with a measurable acceleration of improvement I Inclusive Includes all students in the school R Reinforcing Reinforces and aligns with district strategic action plans I Involving Involves all staff as “doers” of the goal N Now States the target data as a current annual goal G Gaps Addresses equity in success
Sample Aspiring Goal All teaching staff at Elm Creek Middle School will improve skills in analyzing expository text of all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students, so that at least 85% of the students achieve at proficient and advanced levels, while accelerating the performance of students with disabilities, so that at least 67% of SwD achieve proficient or advanced levels, as measured on the 6th, 7th and 8th grade reading benchmark spring assessments by May, 2012.
We, the staff of Jefferson Elementary School, will increase the vocabulary and word meaning skills of all K-6 students by May, 2012 in the following manner: 80% of at-risk and 90% of non at-risk kindergarten students will show proficiency or advanced proficiency on the K vocabulary assessment 80% of at-risk and 90% of non at-risk first grade students will score proficient or advance on the 1st grade skills assessment (vocabulary sections/Harcourt) 80% of at-risk and 90% of non at-risk 2-6 grade students will score within one standard deviation of the mean on the MAP word meaning/content section.
As a community of learners, Lincoln staff and students will collaborate and monitor a student’s rate of progress every 6-8 weeks to ensure that the level of learning will be accelerated for each student. Benchmark measures include: Increase from 60% of students meeting their end of the year benchmark to 80% of the students meeting their end of the year benchmark by June 2012. Increase from 35% of all SwD students meeting their end of they year benchmark to 50% of the SwD students meeting their end of the year benchmark by June 2012. Increase from 50% of all ELL students meeting their end of the year benchmark to 70% of all ELL students meeting their end of the year benchmark by June 2012.
ASPIRING GOALS The following slides provide information that defines/explains each of the characteristics of an ASPIRING Goal. Please review and use this information as you craft your CSIP Goal.
Measurable with a defined assessment process or tool A Assessable Measurable with a defined assessment process or tool … as measured by the 5th grade 4th quarter reading comprehension benchmark assessment. … on the kindergarten numbers exit checklist. … as assessed with the AASD writing process 8th grade rubric for persuasive writing.
Intensity of focus for students S Specific Intensity of focus for students … in reading fluently fiction and nonfiction text in all content areas … ... in drawing inferences from literal and informational text … … in word meaning on grade level targeted vocabulary in the content areas, so that … …in literal and analytical comprehension of technical and nonfiction text, …
Stretches with a measurable acceleration of improvement P Purposeful Stretches with a measurable acceleration of improvement Accelerate, Stretch & Intensify! Lower and Slower
Stretch, for example Stretch to 100% 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 61% at proficient/advanced on MAPs 67% at proficient/advanced on MAPs 80% at proficient/advanced on MAPs 57% at grade level reading benchmark 60% at grade level reading benchmark 85% at grade level reading benchmark 81% meeting targeted growth on MAPs 76% meeting targeted growth on MAPs 95% meeting targeted growth on MAPs 77% proficient/advanced on WKCE 83% proficient/advanced on WKCE 95% show lexile growth
Involves all students in the school I Inclusive Involves all students in the school … so that … 85% of all kindergarten students …; 89% of all 1st grade students; 91% of all 2nd grade students … 81% of all 6-8 grade students and 75% of all students with disabilities …
Reinforces and aligns with district strategic action plans R Reinforcing Reinforces and aligns with district strategic action plans Check that the student outcome in the goal is aligned with district strategic goals.
Involves all staff as “doers” of the goal I Involving Involves all staff as “doers” of the goal We, all staff of Willmar Middle School, will … We, all educators in Heritage Elementary school will collaborate to improve the … All teaching pupil services staff of Bayport High School will work as a professional learning community to …
States the target data as a current annual goal N Now States the target data as a current annual goal The due date is written for the goal to be measured and accomplished within the current school year. … by May, 2012. … on the spring, 2012 assessments.
Addresses equity in success G Gaps Addresses equity in success If any gaps exists, they must be addressed in the goal. … at least 85% of all students meet targeted RIT growth, while the median RIT gap between students with disabilities and nondisabled students decreases by 10 RIT points … 99% of boys and girls with below grade level reading benchmark in grades k-4 reach grade level benchmark while boys and girls at grade level benchmark increase by 2 levels by … … 100% of boys in grades 9-12 increase their Lexile levels from fall to spring, and 90% of girls increase their lexile levels from fall to spring
Crafting Your Plan As your prepare to write goals and actions for the objectives in your CSIP plan, it’s important to remember how the Foundations of CSIP align with AASD Board of Education Goals in the areas of Reading, Writing, Math, and Behavior (PBIS).
Foundations of CSIP Response to Instruction Collaborative Culture Of Improvement Strategic Family & Community Partnerships
Foundations connections Response to Instruction: Interventions & Enrichments Universal: Academic and behavioral strategies to assure high engagement; differentiation; high rigor to achieve the goal for all students Selected & Targeted: Academic and behavioral strategies for effective interventions for struggling learners and effective enrichments for advanced learners
Foundations connections Collaborative Culture Of Improvement Assessment & Data Use: Strategies for periodic assessments and classroom formative assessments FOR learning; effective data management Collaborative Culture: Strategies for frequent professional learning communities to do the work of improvement toward achieving the goal Student Success: Strategies that eliminate failure and provide success for every student; grading reform; positive school climate with support Professional Learning: Strategies for relevant and effective professional development of all staff to support achievement of the goal Strategic Family & Community Partnership Strategies to involve parents positively in their children's learning; to involve the community in school-wide efforts
CSIP Foundations & AASD Our Continuous School Improvement Process supports accountability to the 3 identified AASD Board of Education Goals by crafting school improvement plans that address the objectives of: Response to Instruction Collaborative Culture of Improvement Family and Community Partnerships Highly differentiated and engaging environments supporting increased learning for each student. High-quality staff development that assures effective instruction for each student. Active involvement and open communication between and among families and the community.
CSIP Goal Development Task Use the ASPRIRING Goals template/ materials and any/all of the following to craft your 11-12 CSIP Goal: review 10-11 CSIP Goal Data Dig Observations/Hypotheses Other data
RtI Obejctive Review the RtI model on the following slide as you prepare to write objectives and actions for RtI. REMEMBER: We are moving toward “highly differentiated and engaging environments supporting increased learning for each student.”
Designing School-Wide RtI Systems for Student Success Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Universal: All Students Preventative & Proactive All Settings, All Students Targeted: Some Students High Efficiency Rapid Response Intensive: Individual Students Assessment-Based High Intensity Intense, Durable Procedures Universal Selected Targeted How will we improve academic and/or social/behavioral support so that all classroom practices effectively engage every learner? How will we improve academic and/or social/behavioral support for struggling learners and enrichments for advanced learners? How will we provide intensive academic and/or social/behavioral support for struggling learners and enrichments for advanced learners?
Staff Development Objective Review the NSDC Standards as you prepare to write objectives and actions for Staff Development. REMEMBER: We are looking for “high-quality staff development that assures effective instruction for each student.”
Staff Development Objectives and Actions Tasks Identify which SD actions and activities support which Objective area. Identify actions, resources, timelines, and who is taking the lead for the actions.
Family & Community Partnerships Objective As you prepare to write objectives and action for the final objective, who is going to help you achieve your CSIP goal for the coming year? REMEMBER: We are moving toward “active involvement and open communication between and among families and the community.”
For the Commitment Retreat Between now and our August 18 Commitment Retreat, you must complete drafting your site CSIP plan which include goals, objective statements, and action plans.