Health Care Reform in America Dr. Thomas M. Davis President-Elect, American Association for Health Education Professor of Health Promotion University of Northern Iowa, U.S.A.
Obama Health Care Reform Control cost of care Protect families from health care debt Choice of doctors Insurance for people with disease precursors or when going to new company Affordable insurance for all Prevention/Wellness Health Education
Health Education in America
Where health educators work: Health Care (hospitals, clinics)
Where health educators work: Schools
Where health educators work: Business & Industry
Where health educators work: Public Health (government)
Where health educators work: Non- Profit Organizations
How much money health educators earn in America? $27,000 - $80,000 USD 216,000 – 480,000 RMB
How many health education jobs in America? 16% job growth next 7 years
National Test: Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) Provides advantage for employment
CHES test requirements College degree in health education
CHES test requirements Skills to assess community health needs Identify the most serious health problem Diabetes Back injuries Alcoholism
CHES test requirements Skills to plan health education programs Identify risky health behaviors –Not wearing helmet contributes to head and brain injuries Identify environmental contributors health problems –High cost of helmets make them to expensive for everyone
CHES test requirements Skills to implement health education programs Exercise programs Weight loss programs Flu prevention programs
CHES test requirements Skills to evaluate health education programs Measure program results –Are health behaviors improved –Are health problems decreased
CHES test requirements Skills to advocate for health education Encourage government to support health education Encourage schools to support health education Encourage business to support health education
In February, 2010, there will be an additional CHES test for people who have a graduate (master or doctor) degree in health education M-CHES