Kansas State Assessment’s State Board of Education November 2013
Kansas State Department of Education Assessment Timeline Spring 2014 Math & ELA; Transitional Assessment & SBAC Field Test Dynamic Learning Map (DLM) Science; Current State Assessment History/Government; Pilot new items Spring 2015 Math & ELA; New CCR Assessment, and DLM Science; Pilot new items and remove old items History Government; Pilot new items
Kansas State Department of Education Kansas College & Career Ready Assessment Advisory Council School Superintendents Building Principals District Curriculum Leaders District Testing Coordinators Members of the Kansas Teacher of the Year Team KSDE Staff Staff from CETE at KU
Kansas State Department of Education Input from the Field 6 USA Regional meetings Several Superintendent Council meetings Regional Principal meetings QPA Advisory Council Kansas Assessment Advisory Council Technical Advisory Council Curriculum Leaders 2,400 miles on the state car in one month
Kansas State Department of Education College and Career Ready means an individual has the academic preparation, cognitive preparation, technical skills, and employability skills to be successful in postsecondary education, in the attainment of an industry recognized certification or in the workforce, without the need for remediation.
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas State Department of Education Kansas Summative Assessment Should tie in with the State Boards definition of College & Career Ready Should be meaningful to students. Must be appropriate for ALL students. Should be rigorous, and provide meaningful/timely data Should have flexibility at the local level.
Kansas State Department of Education Options for the KCCRAAC to Consider 1. Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium for 3-8 and H.S. (CETE will score, administer, and report) 2. Assessment Vendor, e.g. ACT for 3-8 and H.S. 3. Hybrid Assessment Model (i.e., the state will provide a default assessment and allow districts if they so choose to use another USED approved assessment funded by the district) 4. CETE-developed Assessment for 3-8 and H.S
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas State Department of Education Beginning School Recommendation to State Board Grades 3-8High School (by end of junior year) Smarter Balanced Assessment with choice available at the local level of other USDE approved assessments ACT/SAT/CPASS 10
Kansas State Department of Education Cost to Kansas to Support this Model Kansas currently spends $4.6 million on state assessments Additional cost of SBAC assessment of $1.7 million Additional cost of DLM assessment of $164,000 Total additional cost of $1,864,000 Cost to fund ACT/SAT of $1.5 million
Kansas State Department of Education ESEA Waiver Update All States must re-submit their waiver to extend for two more years ( & ) or until ESEA is reauthorized. Kansas will re-submit in January We will make any changes or amendments to our waiver during this process. Two optional amendments: No double testing during for students taking the SBAC field test. Use of student growth measures to inform personnel decisions in
Kansas State Department of Education Performance on Old vs. New Old State Assessment Exemplary Exceeds Meets Approaching Warning New State Assessment Exceeds Meets Below Warning
Kansas State Department of Education Moving from Proficient to College & Career Ready Proficient What % of Kansas Students meet grade level proficiency, and ready to move to the next grade level? Math 2012 = 85% Reading 2012 = 87% College & Career Ready What % of Kansas Students perform at a CCR level on the new assessments? 65% ??? We don’t know, but we need to be prepared to communicate that we have raised the bar.
Kansas State Department of Education A New Start Performance and Beyond
Kansas State Department of Education Questions?