Race To The Top What is it, really? What might a Board see and hear?
Standards Professional Practice DataCulture
The Story of Standards
NY CCLS Compact for Learning SCANS Report Regents Action Plan NYS Learning Standards CCSS Math Pre/post March A Nation At Risk
ELA/Literacy Mathematics Next Generation Science CC Infused Social Studies Coming Soon? Arts? World Langauges?
Balancing Fiction and NonfictionBuilding Knowledge in the DisciplinesStaircase of ComplexityText-Based Answers (close reading)Nonfiction WritingAcademic Vocabulary Six Shifts: ELA & Literacy
Balancing Fiction and NonfictionBuilding Knowledge in the DisciplinesStaircase of ComplexityText-Based Answers (close reading)Nonfiction WritingAcademic Vocabulary Six Shifts: ELA & Literacy
FocusCoherenceFluencyDeep UnderstandingApplicationsDual Intensity (really, tri) Six Shifts: Math
FocusCoherenceFluencyDeep UnderstandingApplicationsDual Intensity (really, tri) Six Shifts: Math
What might a Board see or hear about STANDARDS? Curriculum revision projects Common Core modules New ELA 11 and A1 Regents exams
Standards Professional Practice DataCulture
It’s always been here…
Unit Tests Regents Unit Tests Conferences Quizzes State Tests Journals Logs Attendance Essay Checklists Rubrics Homework Notebook Performance Scores Report Cards Inventories Letters Anecdotal Reports Performance Pictures Interview Samples PET ITBS Posttest Terra Nova Pretest RCT
It’s not really the data
It is about what we do with the data
Common Interim Assessments
make the test give the test analyze the work do something about it
What might a Board see or hear about DATA? Common Formative Assessments Professional Learning Communities Data Teams
What might a Board see or hear about DATA (that doesn’t really make a difference)? 3-8 Assessments Scale Scores AIS cut points PARCC
Standards Professional Practice DataCulture
Professional Practice
20% Student Growth 20% Student Achievement 60% Multiple Measures
20% Student Growth 20% Student Achievement 60% Multiple Measures Knowledge of Students & Student Learning Knowledge of Content & Instructional Planning Instructional Practice Learning Environment Assessment for Student Learning Professional Responsibilities and Collaboration Professional Growth Growth over time Compared to Expected Growth Some Variables Considered SLOs Required Moment in time or growth Local or Purchased Some Variables Considered SLOs Optional Could be school- wide measure
What might a Board see or hear about PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE? APPR (plans and approval) APPR (SLOs) APPR (rubrics, HEDI scales) APPR (teacher/principal growth scores)
What might a Board see or hear about PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE (but probably won’t because of APPR)? NYS Teaching Standards Continuous Improvement Growth Producing Feedback
Standards Professional Practice DataCulture
What should our schools be like?
Educators working collaboratively… taking collective responsibility for student learning.
Collaborative learning teams implementing a guaranteed and viable curriculum.
Collaborative learning teams using assessment data and student work to make instructional decisions.
Where students find meaning in what they do.
Where students make decisions about what they learn and how they learn it.
Where the 4Cs are embedded in the 3Rs.
Where its about the student's future rather than the adults’ past.
21C, PBL College, Career & Citizenship Ready Professional Learning Communities What might a Board see or hear about CULTURE?
Standards Professional Practice DataCulture