Presentation on NIT Funds At Pakistan IPO Summit – 2014 Friday, January 31, 2014 By: Mr. Manzoor Ahmed, MD – NIT
NITL Corporate Profile First Asset Management Company (AMC) of Pakistan, formed in The Shareholders of NITL include: Banks/DFIs Industrialists Government of Pakistan Pakistan ahead of India and probably first in SAARC Countries to launch a Mutual Fund. 2
NITL Corporate Profile Total AUMs of mutual fund industry are around Rs. 413 billion with 195 funds (Open/Close/Pension). Net Assets of NITL stand at around Rs. 86 billion across 5 funds. AUM’s constitute about 21% of the entire mutual fund industry. The flagship NI(U)T Fund has grown to be the single largest Equity Fund of the country. With size of around Rs. 54 billion invested in around 385 companies. Around 54,000 unit holders, highest of the any AMC in the country. 3 * Source: MUFAP, NIT as of Dec ; Industry figures includes NIT-SEF & NIT-EMOF
NITL – Family of Funds NI(U)T Fund NIT State Enterprise Fund NIT Equity Market Opportunity Fund NIT Government Bond Fund NIT Income Fund 4 EQUITY FUNDS INCOME FUNDS
5 Size of Funds Under Management of NITL ( as of Jan 28, 2014 ) Fund NameFund TypeNet Assets NI(U)TEquity 58,503 NIT-SEFEquity 17,046 NIT-EMOFEquity 8,285 NIT-GBFIncome 4,345 NIT-IFIncome 3,381 Total 91,561 (Rs in million)
NI(U)T Fund Objective The core objective of NI(U)T is to maximize return for Unit holders, provide a regular stream of current income through dividends, while long term growth is achieved by the management of diversified portfolio and investments into growth and high yielding equity securities. FUND TYPEOpen End CATEGORYEquity LAUNCH DATE12 th November 1962 MANAGEMENT FEE1.00% FRONT END LOAD*3.00% BACK END LOADNIL BENCHMARKKSE-100 Index PAR VALUEPKR CURRENT NAV**PKR MINIMUM INVESTMENTPKR 5,000 TRUSTEENational Bank of Pakistan 6 * Varies as per policy. ** NAV as of Jan 28, 2014
7 NI(U)T Fund Sector wise Allocation (as of January 28, 2014)
Performance of NI(U)T NI(U)T Return Benchmark Return Out/(Under) Performance FY %52.20%6.22% FY14 YTD*40.07%26.80%13.27% * Till 28 th Jan. 2014
Top 10 Best Performing Equity Funds ( as of Jan 28, 2014 ) Source: MUFAP No. FUND’S NAMEFY14 YTD Return 1. National Investment Unit Trust 40.07% 2. AKD Opportunity Fund34.43% 3. JS Large Cap Fund30.46% 4. Safeway Mutual Fund29.39% 5. Crosby Dragon Fund28.05% 6. Asian Stocks Fund26.39% 7. JS Growth Fund26.15% 8. PICIC Stock Fund25.38% 9. Lakson Equity Fund24.79% 10. First Capital Mutual Fund22.40%
NIT – State Enterprise Fund Objective The objective of the NIT State Enterprise Fund is to take advantage of market conditions and acquire a selection of eligible stocks thereby creating an opportunity for investors to achieve superior returns. Sector wise Allocation (as of January 28, 2014) 11
NIT – State Enterprise Fund Launched in January 2009 to help support the stock market. Mandate to invest in 8 state-owned/controlled enterprises. An amount of Rs billion was borrowed from various financial institutions. The loan was backed by a guarantee of the GoP. Current Position (as of January 28, 2014) Total borrowings of Rs billion have been paid off. Total markup of around Rs 9 billion has been paid. Net assets after full and final payment stand at Rs billion. 12
Performance of NIT-SEF NIT-SEF Return Benchmark Return Out/(Under) Performance FY %52.20%(11.3%) FY14 YTD*19.17%26.80%(7.63%) Since Inception354.79%341.18%13.61% * Till Jan 28, 2014
NIT – Equity Market Opportunity Fund Objective The Objective of Equity Market Opportunity Fund is to invest the Funds in Equity Market at a time when the Management Company of the Fund has reasons to believe that there is an opportunity to invest the fund in a gainful manner and such investment is in the benefit of the Fund taking a long term perspective. Sector wise Allocation (as of January 28, 2014) 14
NIT – Equity Market Opportunity Fund Established in July 2008 to stabilize the stock market during distressed conditions. An amount of Rs. 5.1 billion was invested by 4 institutional investors. Current Position (as of January 28, 2014) Total units worth Rs billion have been redeemed to the investors till date. Current net assets stand at Rs 8.29 billion. 15
Performance of NIT – EMOF NIT-EMOF Return Benchmark Return Out/(Under) Performance FY %52.20%(10.35%) FY14 YTD*19.87%26.80%(6.93%) Since Inception151.34%138.90%12.44% * Till Jan 28, 2014
NIT Government Bond Fund Objective T he objective of NIT Government Bond Fund is to generate best possible return with minimum risk, for its Unit Holders, by investing primarily in Government Securities. Asset Allocation (as of January 28, 2014)
Performance of NIT GBF NIT GBF Return Benchmark Return Out/(Under) Performance FY139.93%8.80%1.13% FY14 YTD* (annualized) 6.78%8.53%(1.75%) Since Inception (annualized) 11.55%10.04%1.51% * Till Jan 28, 2014
NIT Income Fund 19 Objective The objective of NIT Income Fund is to generate competitive stream of return with moderate level of risk for its unit holders, by investing primarily in fixed income securities/instruments. Asset Allocation (as of January 28, 2014)
Performance of NIT IF NIT IF Return Benchmark Return Out/(Under) Performance FY139.56%9.92%(0.36%) FY14 YTD* (annualized) 6.86%9.57%(2.71%) Since Inception (annualized) 12.28%11.59%0.69% * Till Jan 28, 2014
NIT’s Path To Success Over The 50 Years 21 Consistent payment of dividends to the unit holders even during the difficult economic and stock market conditions. Not a single year of dividend payout has been missed throughout NIT’s entire history. NIT’s Investment Philosophy: To have a selection of growth stocks having a regular stream of dividend payout and a long term investment perspective. To never indulge in speculative trading. NIT aims to always cater to the needs of the small investors. A highly competent and committed management team comprising of qualified and experienced professionals who undertake: Investment management decisions with a professional and ethical approach. Without any influence from any quarter.
The Capital Market - NIT’s Contribution Providing support to the capital market at the time of crisis. The GoP and other stakeholders have always entrusted NIT with a role to help support the capital market. NIT-EMOF was launched in July 2008 to help support the stock market. NIT-SEF was launched in Jan 2009 at the time of unprecedented market crisis. Providing liquidity and depth to the capital market. NIT being the largest player, is actively involved in buying and selling of stocks. Participation in new IPO’s and Book Building Transactions. NIT encourages new companies to list by actively investing in IPO’s. NIT had an initial mandate to take up a percentage of every IPO/OFS to enhance the capital market size. During last 5 years (2009 to 2013), 18 IPOs/Book Building took place in KSE. Of these, NIT participated in 10 IPOs/Book Building transactions. 22
The Mutual Fund Industry - NIT’s Contribution Aiming to create a sustainable growth in Pakistan’s mutual fund industry. Presently, investments in mutual funds are quite low compared to other countries. Expanding the retail base can provide sustainable growth to the industry. Increasing savings culture and awareness. Inculcating savings culture amongst the people will increase the retail base. NIT plays an active role to increase awareness about mutual funds. Enhancing the distribution network. NIT’s countrywide distribution network comprises 23 branches, 1 Investor’s Facilitation Center and number of authorized bank branches/distributors. NIT has its role in providing human capital to the mutual fund industry. 23
NIT’s CSR Initiatives NIT has been playing its role and endeavors to take care of needy and less fortunate people by contributing generously. NIT introduced Hajj Scheme for its employees to perform the spiritual obligation. 24