Alamo Chapter Air Force Association Alamo Chapter AFA Aerospace Education Foundation Ryan Mueller 11 Jan 05 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e
Overview Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Relation to AFA Mission/Vision Programs
AEF & AFA Vision: AEF complements AFA by supporting aerospace excellence through education Mission: AEF provides public awareness programs, education and financial assistance to further America’s aerospace excellence Local Chapters: Execution arm for National vision and mission
AEF Programs USA Today Visions of Exploration Sponsoring 30 elementary school classrooms for 2005 Provide papers and associated lesson plans Chapter cost: $ Teacher recognition programs Teacher of the Year Christa McAuliffe Teacher of the Year Chapter cost: $0
AEF Programs JROTC scholarships Provide $150 scholarship to Bronze medal winner – Outstanding Jr/ROTC Detachment selects winner National provides medal Chapter provides scholarship Approximately $1800 annually
JROTC Scholarship Participants Floresville HS Boerne HS Earl Warren HS Holmes HS John Jay HS Clark HS Southside HS Judson HS Eagle Pass HS Taft HS San Marcos HS Alice HS Pearsall HS Memorial HS Medina Valley HS Canyon HS
AEF Programs USTA ROTC scholarships General William Mc Bride Colonel George Weinbrenner Charlotte Loos Former CMSAF Bob Gaylor BG Robinson Risner BG Tex Hill T R Fehrenbach Total $
AEF Programs Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security Scholarship Undergrauate Scholarship $ (more to follow)
AEF Programs Earle North Parker Essay Contest $ Alamo AFA Member/Family Member Scholarships (3) at $ Total: $
Summary AEF at chapter level executes National programs and: Expends approximately $10, raised locally each year to assist more than 1,000 potential aerospace leaders in the San Antonio Area
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