Charter – Organization of TF TextReason Name : Viet Nam PPP Task Force for Sustainable Agriculture - Do we need to change the name to “Board, Committee” like VCCB Purposes: 4 points -Promote sustainable agriculture -Facilitate partnership between private and public -Science-based regulations -Disseminate information Need to add anything? Membership: Only legal entity, no individual member. Only entity has adequate resources, knowledge and expertise to contribute to sustainable development projects Chairman: Public sector, Vice Chairman: Private sector. One Secretary Vietnamese laws is silent on co-chair mechanism
Charter – Secretariat TextReason Meetings: 4 times/year Voting -Based on the majority of all RELEVANT members Companies should vote within their expertise only. Fund: Seeding fund $1000/year for each member Fund management: Two signatures, 1 from public sector, 1 from private sector Other options: -$1000 for each member -Support from development partners? PPP Secretariat Manage day-to-day PPP works Facilitate and coordinate Head of Secretariat? Seal and signature? Any decision for establishment?