Build a MUSE workshop A laboratory practical
I. Create Identify Niche Market that is affordably reachable Brainstorm Products (not invest in products) Product Options
Niche Market Summarize work & life experience list all hobbies, interests, work experience, magazines, on line publications. look for niches that also have magazines >10,000 circulation and repeat advertisers eHow, ClickBank, ChickenSoup for niches
Some ideas Essentials / Hierarchy of Needs Find Answer to question you have Solve a problem you have Notice what people complain about it Own passions Trends
Niche Market - Finding Niches with Traffic Keyword search tool - confirm search volume Google Trends Google Adwords Word Tracker Market Samuri
Sites that have already researched niches Amazon Chicken Soup Books Dummies Books Idiots Books
How to find your best niche TopicLoveGood AtPay ForTotal Fly fishing Golf Starting a business Rank Them (0- 10) where 0 is low and 10 is high
Case Study: Ear Peace Use the tools to confirm a niche that is reachable online and buys things on- line
Brainstorm Products Use keyword tool to find products that are selling in the niche. Can you make a better offer? Price, Product, Delivery, Guarantee? Resell, License or Create your product...
Brainstorm Other countries /other markets Copy and improve Affiliate programs
II. Test Microtesting Confirming the niche with Google Adwords keyword tool Copy writing - One page advert ( words) Test the advert - quick and simple website
Test Designing a good test - will it sell and make enough profit? sufficient traffic - previous slide convert traffic to sales - product/service and/or sales copy Know your benchmarks - PPC to site, site to sale
How to build infrastructure Get a domain Build website Write sales copy & put on website Set up Google Adwords campaign
Testing Domain - Go Set up webpage - Writing sales copy Mom Test Test the domain name Test the sales copy Acid Test
III. Rollout & Automate Phase 1: units shipped total Phase II: > 10 units per month Phase III: > 20 units per month
Functional Pieces Sales - Customer Acquisition Marketing - Sales Copy, Niche Market, Value Proposition, Channel Promotions Fufillment - processing orders, shipping, inventory, manufacturing, Finance - working capital, accounting, cash flow and profits
Roll out Phase 1 DIY build FAQ Learn all the processes so you can outsource intelligently
Phase 1 Sales - Sales are coming through website Marketing - write & test sales copy, PPC and or SEO, direct , niche magazine advertising Fufillment - e-info product - download, actual product, you ship & maintain inventory Finance - business bank account, credit card processor or PayPal,
Roll Out Phase II