M ARKETING & M ANAGEMENT A CUMEN (MMA) “Training for profitability” We offer cost saving, experience, applicable knowledge and efficiency. Marketing & Management Acumen 57 South Orange Avenue Society University Heights Newark, NJ 07103, USA Tel: Website: marketingacumens.com Benefits Cost Savings----We will eliminate capital expenditures and overhead costs. Quality Training----Comparative training from university and college educators with sound business and manufacturing experience. Efficiency----Synergy arising from using fewer resources----- We can eliminate the need for a full-time training staff and other costly resources delegated to training and development. Increase Resources----Freeing your in- house resources to focus on core strategies of your business. Free Materials----You are the beneficiary of training materials customized to suit your needs, at no additional cost. Added Value----Optional------Follow up assessment of candidates and sharing of innovations that could be useful in the day- to-day operation of your business. Training Areas The MMA team will develop unique training programs or adapt existing ones to develop skills and aptitude and promote knowledge among practitioners with responsibilities within core functions of your organization: Sales & Distribution Marketing & Operation Research Marketing Management We are confident that our consortium can provide quality training geared toward improving productivity and generate greater return on investments. MMA Consortium Marketing & Management Acumen (MMA) is a full service training and education consortium offering customized training programs to businesses and not-for-profit organizations. We concentrate on developing in-house human resources, which include building a strong knowledge base, and developing skill-sets, work ethics and performing attitudes, through cost effective training programs. MMA quality programs, developed and offered by college experienced educators, are parallel to those given at reputable universities and training schools. Sales & Distribution Some of the critical areas we cover: Strategic selling Exploring for sales leads; building and maintaining clientele The selling process; selling practices and techniques Designing and deploying an effective sales force Recruiting & training sales persons Sales territory development; designing and implementing sales programs Retailing versus wholesaling Sales forecasting methods and techniques Distribution planning and management: logistics, shipping, warehousing
Marketing & Operational Research Some of the critical areas we cover: Types of research: survey, causal, observation --exploratory and confirmatory Data collection and interviewing: personal and non-personal techniques Designing questionnaires: exploring types of questions and scalar responses; formulating questionnaire; coding and pilot testing, and validating questionnaires Designing scales: characteristics, types, purpose and limitations Sampling: methodologies and techniques Data management: organizing, storing and managing Data analytics: quantitative and qualitative techniques Designing research reports, disseminating information and presenting research findings Marketing Management Some of the critical areas we cover: Brand and service & product planning Customer service/customer retention Marketing communications: advertising, sales promotion, public relations, telemarketing, electronic marketing Product lifecycle and new product management SWOT and environmental analytics Strategic marketing mix management Business to Business marketing Strategic marketing planning Supervisory Management Some of the critical areas we cover: Organizational motivation Building successful work teams The organizational decision-making process Managing stress at work Critical thinking techniques Leadership Organizational theory and design Communication in organizations Human resources management Management issues and techniques Management quality control How We Deliver Training Our structured approach to delivering training programs involves a series of steps: Meeting with client to determine problems and determine training needs Administering a simple 15-question multiple choice questionnaire as a gauge for determining course delivery strategy Researching and developing training materials Conducting training programs Evaluating program participants Generating feedback Follow-up with a post-program review (optional) Instructional Techniques We adopt a combination of strategies in our effort to deliver an effective training program; intended on reaching a broad scope of learning profiles: Instructions designs, which include the ADDIE, Dick & Carey, Constructivist and Socratic models Audio-visual demonstrations Role playing Group discussions Case studies Games Training venues On site---Presenter will travel to the client's site, meet with candidates and deliver the training program. Off site--–Presenter and candidates will meet at a pre-arranged venue to conduct the training program. Online delivery--–Webinar./LMS Combination of sites---On site and Webinar Distant learning via postal and electronic mail (Optional) Art work by Herwin Auld