Monday, May 5, 2014 STARTER Review Ch. 2 Vocab Words HOMEWORK Study vocabulary words – Quiz tomorrow! Ch. 2 study guide – Complete assigned Qs for tmrw. REMINDER: Ch. 1-2 Quiz on Wed. AGENDA Re-cap & Finish reading Chapter 2 of OF MICE AND MEN ONLY 25 DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT – Make them count!
Monday, May 5, 2014 STARTER Check Before/After Reading Activity & Journal Entry #1 for OF MICE AND MEN Choose strategy for poetry test/materials HOMEWORK Read Ch. 1 OF MICE OF MEN for Friday AGENDA Poetry Test Today! Presentations tomorrow!
Joy Harjo (1951-?) Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma Member of the Mvskoke Nation (Native American) Garnered many awards, including the New Mexico Governor’s Award for Excellence in the Arts, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Native Writers Circle of the Americas; and the William Carlos Williams Award from the Poetry Society of America For A Girl Becoming, a young adult/coming of age book, was released in 2009 and is Harjo’s most recent publication. She has released five award-winning CD’s of original music and in 2009 won a Native American Music Award (NAMMY) for Best Female Artist of the Year for Winding Through the Milky Way. he also performs her one-woman show, Wings of Night Sky, Wings of Morning Light, which premiered at the Wells Fargo Theater in Los Angeles in 2009 with recent performances at the Public Theater in NYC and La Jolla Playhouse as part of the Native Voices at the Autry. She lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Tues., May 6, 2014 – Eng. 10 STARTER Quiz – Ch. 2 vocabulary HOMEWORK Study Ch. 1-2 SGs plus character notes! Quiz tmrw! AGENDA Re-cap & Finish reading Chapter 2 of OF MICE AND MEN ONLY 24 DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT – Make them count!
Candy, George, & Lennie
George, Curley, & Lennie
Tues., May 6, 2014 STARTER Check Before/After Reading Activity & Journal Entry #1 for OF MICE AND MEN HOMEWORK Read Ch. 1 OF MICE OF MEN for Friday Practice Vocab/Answer Discussion Qs AGENDA Final Presentations!
Wed., May 7, 2014 – Eng. 10 STARTER Collect Study Guides Ch. 1-2 OM&M HOMEWORK Complete Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement exercises - Pages 1-6 in packet – due Monday, 5/12 AGENDA Quiz – Ch. 1-2 of OF MICE AND MEN Journal Entry #2 – Choose A or B (write in notebook – GET A STAMP! -- due end of pd) COUNTDOWN: ONLY 23 DAYS OF SCHOOL REMAIN
Journal Entry #2: Option A LIFE IS HARD (during the GD) “LIFE IS HARD” –- Using your prior knowledge and what you have learned from reading TKAM and OM&M, imagine what life was like during the Great Depression. Describe life for a struggling family during the GD as you write a descriptive story about one of the photographs (A, B, or C). MAKE SURE YOU TELL A STORY WITH CHARACTERS, SETTING, CONFLICTS, and a PLOT!!!
(C.) (B.) (A.)
Journal Entry #2: Option B FIRST IMPRESSIONS You are the character of your choice. You’ve been at the ranch for long enough to form your own opinions about the people who live there and what they are about. Write a letter to someone about your experiences at the ranch, the people you have encountered, and your worries about the future. [*Don’t forget to use vocabulary words & use language appropriate to your character!] BE SURE TO SET YOUR ENTRY UP LIKE A LETTER w/ a date, opening, and a closing!
Wed., May 7, 2014 – Eng. 10-A STARTER Finish final presentation HOMEWORK Read Ch. 1 & Complete Ch. 1 vocabulary review by Friday AGENDA Introduction to OF MICE AND MEN Characters, Setting, & Controversy NOTES COUNTDOWN: ONLY 23 DAYS OF SCHOOL REMAIN
Thur., 5/8 – Fri. 5/9 LIBRARY Final Copy Research Paragraph Due on Fri. HOMEWORK Grammar Packet PRONOUNS due on Mon. Pages 1-6 only
Thur., May 8 – English 10-A STARTER Review Ch. 1 vocabulary words from OM&M HOMEWORK Read Ch. 1 & complete vocabulary activity by TOMORROW AGENDA Finish character introduction OM&M Discuss Setting & Controversy Choose Character Parts for Read Alouds
Fri., May 9 – English 10-A STARTER Check Ch. 1 vocabulary activity HOMEWORK Ch. 2 vocabulary puzzle due Mon., May 12 Read Ch. 2 by Wed., May 14 AGENDA Quiz Ch. 1 OM&M Choose Character Parts for Read-Alouds Re-read/act out vital parts of Ch. 1 today & discuss