WHI: SOL 8b Spread of Islam
Geographic influences on the origin and spread of Islam Diffusion along trade routes from Mecca and Medina Expansion despite great distances, desert environments, and mountain barriers Spread into the Fertile Crescent, Iran, and Central Asia facilitated by weak Byzantine and Persian empires
Geographic influences on economic, social, and political development Political unity of the first Muslim empire was short-lived. Arabic language spread with Islam and facilitated trade across Islamic lands. Slavery was not based on race.
Diffusion Diffusion of Islam – Mohammed declared a jihad—a holy war undertaken by Muslims against unbelievers. – Islam claimed Mecca and portions of Arabia. – Expansion continued after Mohammed’s death, but Islam also spread through trade and travel, not just through conquest. Division of Islam – After the prophet’s death, there was division between the Sunni and the Shi’a over the issue of who should rule.
Shiite (Shi’a) Strict Islamic followers Believe the caliph MUST be a direct blood descendant of Muhammad through his daughter Fatima and Son-in-law Ali Predominantly in modern day Iran
Sunni Believe any devout Muslim can be caliph Does NOT have to be a direct descendant of Muhammad Use Sharia as a basis but not followed exactly Most Muslims are Sunni****
Islamic Empires Umayyad (Sunni) Abbasid (Shiite) Seljuk (Sunni) Mongols (from Mongolia, converted to Islam) Ottoman (Sunni- Turks) Safavid (Shiite- Persia)
Umayyad Empire
Abbasid Empire
Seljuk Empire