Software Sustainability Institute Linking software: Citations, roles, references,and more Repository Fringe 2015, Edinburgh, 3-4 August 2015 Neil Chue Hong Software Sustainability Institute ORCID: | Unless otherwise indicated these slides licensed under Supported byProject funding from
Software Sustainability Institute Authorship Lifecycle Identif y Cite Reuse Research Index Papers, data, software all research outputs of a continuous cycle. With software, technology makes it easier to track, but not reward. We cannot separate papers, data and software when we release research.
Software Sustainability Institute The current process Start research Write software Use software Produce results Produce results Publish research paper Release data Release data Release software Release software Which mentions software and data This process is simple but does not reward production or reuse of good software and data. It also has a long contribution cycle.
Software Sustainability Institute Write software A better process? Start research Identify existing software Identify existing software Use software Produce results Produce results Publish research paper Adapt/ extend software Release data Release data Release software Release software Publish software paper Publish software paper Publish data paper Publish data paper Which references software and data papers Software and data papers are needed as proxies for rewarding reuse. But it enables a shorter contribution cycle for data and software.
Software Sustainability Institute What do we choose to identify: - Workflow? - Software that runs workflow? - Software referenced by workflow? - Software dependencies? What’s the minimum citable part? Boundary
Software Sustainability Institute Algorithm Function Program Library / Suite / Package … Granularity
Software Sustainability Institute Versioning Personal v1 Personal v1 Personal v2 Personal v2 Personal v3 Personal v3 Personal v2a Personal v2a Public v1 Public v1 Personal v3a Personal v3a Personal v2a Personal v2a Public v2 Public v2 Public v3 Public v3 Why do we version? - To indicate a change - To allow sharing - To confer special status
Software Sustainability Institute Authorship Authorship Which authors have had what impact on each version of the software? Which authors have had what impact on each version of the software? Who had the largest contribution to the scientific results in a paper? Who had the largest contribution to the scientific results in a paper? OGSA-DAI projects statistics from Ohloh
Software Sustainability Institute Moving forwards Making software citable At “package level” (is this the right granularity?) GitHub -> Zenodo / FigShare / Insititution Repo Principles for citation Force11 Software Citation Working Group Making roles clearer Project Credit Contributor Badges Code as a Research Object Defining minimal metadata How do we ensure this is “linked up” with RepoFringe community?
Software Sustainability Institute Find out more about the SSI Community Engagement (Lead: Shoaib Sufi) Fellowship Programme Fellowship Programme Events and Workshops Events and Workshops Consultancy (Lead: Steve Crouch) Open Call for Projects / Collaborations Open Call for ProjectsCollaborations Software Evaluation Software Evaluation Policy and Publicity (Lead: Simon Hettrick) Case Studies / Policy Campaigns Case StudiesPolicy Campaigns Software and Research Blog Software and Research Blog Training (Lead: Aleksandra Pawlik) Software Carpentry (300+ students/year) Software Carpentry Guides and Top Tips GuidesTop Tips Journal of Open Research Software (Editor: Neil Chue Hong) Journal of Open Research Software Collaboration between universities of Edinburgh, Manchester, Oxford and Southampton Supported by EPSRC Grant EP/H043160/1, and EPSRC/ESRC/BBSRC grant EP/N006410/1