NUTRITION AT THE HEART OF CARE! Sue Ullmann Northern Chair NACC and HCI Board Member Chief Executive Harrogate Neighbours Housing Association
NUTRITION AT THE HEART OF CARE! NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CARE CATERING Formed 1986/87 Source of information and professional opinion Aims are to: –improve standards of catering –provide a forum for debate –exchange information and best practice –develop standards –research –publish guidelines
NUTRITION AT THE HEART OF CARE! WHAT WE DO - Input into government policy Set standards Produce documentation Annual conference/training event Regional meetings Community Meals on Wheels Week Care Cook of the Year Website Yearbook
NUTRITION AT THE HEART OF CARE! THE CARE SECTOR THE NACC WORKS WITH: Residential and day care Older people Children Younger adults Learning disabilities Physical disabilities Mental health Community Meals on wheels Home Care Sheltered/Extra Care Housing
NUTRITION AT THE HEART OF CARE Who does it affect: Elderly people living at home Home care providers Community Meals on Wheels Sheltered Housing Extra Care Housing Residential and Nursing Homes Hospital patients
NUTRITION AT THE HEART OF CARE Malnutrition is fast becoming the 21 st century’s silent killer 2,300 adults dying from illnesses related to poor nutrition in hospitals alone £13.6 billions is spent annually on treating malnutrition in the UK Cuts in community meals budgets
NUTRITION AT THE HEART OF CARE! Why Is Nutrition Important ? Up to 71% of the elderly are at risk of malnutrition Everyone involved in delivering nutrition in a healthcare setting is able to assist in the prevention by ensuring elderly people eat a balanced diet and are given as much support as possible.
NUTRTION AT THE HEART OF CARE! One of the NACC’s key aims is to raise awareness of Nutrition and Hydration within the healthcare sector and is currently working on: Continued support for care and catering staff within a care setting in the training of staff in nutrition To continue to improve working relationships between dieticians and care homes Care Quality Commission Tool Kit Closer working between government and other agencies No One Should Go Hungry campaign to raise awareness of malnutrition and it's costs and a peitiiton Dehydration in Older People Awareness Week 2012 Review of the NACC’s Guidleines Hydration Forum