NPDO Non Profit Distributing Organisation Mikko Ramstedt, Project Adviser Financial Partnerships Unit
Contents Background Why a Non Profit Distributing Organisation? NPDO Structure and Governance Concerns / Issues Process
NPDO Model – Background Argyll & Bute Council designated pilot Partnerships UK (PUK) cosponsor The Council’s Advisers Ernst & Young Shepherd & Wedderburn MPM Capita
NPDO – Why a new PPP model? Political concerns over profits in PPP – Desire to retain surpluses for educational purposes More pro-active and stable partnership Improved perceptions about PPP Possibilities for new areas of PPP PPP evolving alongside standardisation
Objectives To deploy a wholly debt based capital structure on a schools PPP that… Improves stakeholder acceptability and participation Achieves at least as good value for money as traditional ‘equity’ based PPP
Standard Outline Structure Education Authority Capital funding - Construction / FM Co.s Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) Equity holders~ 1% Market investors Sub debt - lenders~ 9% Senior debt lenders~ 90%Banks Facilities Management Co Lead Construction Co FM sub-contractsDesign sub-contracts Trade sub-contracts Adviser sub-contracts
Benefits from PPP Single point delivery system Improved service provision Performance based payments Life-cycle maintenance and facilities management Initial capital investment PPP
Education Authority Capital funding - Construction / FM Co.s SPV - NPDOMarket investors CharitySub debt - lendersc. 10% Community stakeholdersSenior debt lendersc. 90%Banks Facilities Management CoLead Construction Co FM sub-contractsDesign sub-contracts Trade sub-contracts Adviser sub-contracts NPDO Outline Structure
Additional Benefits Stakeholder involvement included as a right SPV surpluses reinvested in project ‘Normal’ profit level for sub-contractors NPDO
Principles Minimum disturbance to traditional equity based schools estate PPP model Follow Scottish Executive guidance on standard form schools contract Achieve similar levels of risk transfer as under traditional PPP Surpluses arising are applied to the benefit of authority education services Risk profile and corporate governance acceptable to financiers Management incentives consistent with stable and sustainable performance
Structure part 1 SPV a company limited by shares Small board; Stakeholder, Independent + 3 other directors Junior capital is exclusively sub-debt Senior debt and sub contracts as per traditional model SPV will elect to donate surpluses to the charity rather than distribute dividends No restrictions on distributions by sub- contractors
Why a Company Limited by Shares? The traditional corporate vehicle Flexibility / familiarity Minimum deviance from existing PPP business model Does not rule out bidder variants
Structure part 2 Shares in SPV stabled to sub-debt Sub-debt can be provided by sub-contractors or senior lenders to the SPV, or third party funds and institutions SPV is: Private sector classified ‘Profit’ (Surplus) maximising Tax paying entity Fully commercial operating basis
Why ‘Profit’ (Surplus) Maximising? Has to manage the same risks and sub- contracts, and deliver the same operating performance as traditional PPP Management incentives tied to generation of surpluses, to maintaining credit equality of junior and senior debt and other targets Familiar regime for efficiency and performance drivers
Corporate Governance SPV board policies: No dividend distributions Surpluses applied according to agreed priorities 1. Management incentives 2. Build-up reserves 3. Additional scope of services pre-defined under the contract 4. Donations to the charity Having applied all statutory and fiduciary duties, SPV’s objective to deliver value for money to the Authority
PPP - v – NPDO Senior Debt Sub Debt Equity Senior Debt Sub Debt Management Incentives
Benefits: PPP - v – NPDO Established Partnership Bidders Unitary Charge Novel Partnership Strong Bidder Interest Financial (UC) Non-financial
Some Concerns No equity? Debt Service Cover Ratio Governance arrangements? Directors’ duties unchanged
Value for Money Financial Application of surpluses UC level Tax-efficiency Non-financial Acceptability Stakeholder involvement Wider benefits
Issues for Local Authorities Bidder response Financial Balance Surpluses versus Low UC Charity Tax efficiency – Availability of Surpluses Balance Sheet Treatment Preparation!
Argyll & Bute Pathfinder – Process Consultation Q OJEU March 2003 ITN June 2003 BAFO February 2004 Provisional Preferred Bidder March 2004 Statutory Consultation SE final approval, and Financial Close September 2005
Summary Background Why a Non Profit Distributing Organisation? NPDO Structure and Governance Concerns / Issues Process
Mikko Ramstedt, Project Adviser Financial Partnerships Unit