Alternative equilibria and resilience in Arctic aquatic systems Arctic Frontiers ATP 2011 Tromsø Primicerio R, Amundsen P-A, Aschan M, Knudsen R, Planque.


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Presentation transcript:

Alternative equilibria and resilience in Arctic aquatic systems Arctic Frontiers ATP 2011 Tromsø Primicerio R, Amundsen P-A, Aschan M, Knudsen R, Planque B, Varpe Ø BarEcoReATP

Alternative equilibria in the Arctic Outline Bistability and resilience Mechanisms of bistability Managing metastable systems

Bistability and resilience Alternative equilibria in Arctic aquatic systems Management challenges of tipping points Alternative equilibria in the Arctic

Bistability and resilience Alternative equilibria in Arctic aquatic systems Management challenges of tipping points Lake Takvatn 2009 TREE Alternative equilibria in the Arctic

Bistability and resilience Lake Takvatn Culling experiment - removed 31 tons ( individuals) of Arctic charr in the period 1984 to 1989 Alternative equilibria in the Arctic 2007 Science

Bistability and resilience Lake Takvatn Alternative equilibria in the Arctic

Bistability and resilience Lake Takvatn Alternative equilibria in the Arctic Tipping point

Bistability and resilience Lake Takvatn Alternative equilibria in the Arctic Tipping point

Mechanisms of bistability Lake Takvatn Alternative equilibria in the Arctic

Mechanisms of bistability Lake Takvatn Alternative equilibria in the Arctic

Mechanisms of bistability Lake Takvatn Alternative equilibria in the Arctic Tipping point

Mechanisms of bistability Lake Takvatn Alternative equilibria in the Arctic Tipping point

Mechanisms of bistability Lake Takvatn Juveniles Adults Alternative equilibria in the Arctic

Mechanisms of bistability Lake Takvatn Alternative equilibria in the Arctic

Mechanisms of bistability Lake Takvatn Alternative equilibria in the Arctic

Mechanisms of bistability Lake Takvatn Alternative equilibria in the Arctic

Mechanisms of bistability Lake Takvatn Alternative equilibria in the Arctic

Mechanisms of bistability Lake Takvatn Alternative equilibria in the Arctic

Mechanisms of bistability Lake Takvatn Alternative equilibria in the Arctic

Mechanisms of bistability Lake Takvatn Alternative equilibria in the Arctic

Mechanisms of bistability Emergent Allee effect Alternative equilibria in the Arctic

Mechanisms of bistability Lake Takvatn Alternative equilibria in the Arctic

Bistability and resilience Regime shifts – variable vs parameter change Resilience – ecological vs engineering

Fishing induced evolution in salmonids Maturation schedules Arctic charr in Lake Takvatn Fish removal Suspended harvest