高齡者居家用影像照護系統 The Image Surveillance System for Elder In-Home Use ChairmanDr. Pei – Jarn Chen PresenterJia – Hong Zeng AdvisorDr. Yen – Ting Chen Date
Outline Introduction Purpose & Specific aims Literatures Review Material and Method Preliminary Results Conclusion & Discussion Future work References 2 From:
Introduction Aging Trends −Global −Taiwan Aging symptoms The Elderly Care status and needs The applications or devices for Long-Term Care 3
Introduction - Global Aging Trends(1/2) According to World Health Organization(WHO) [1] definitions that the society whose proportion of the population aged 65 and over is greater than −7% : Aging Society −14% : Aged society −20% : Hyper-aged society 4 From:
12.27% 21.74% 18.73% 26.44% 15.01% 18.07% 13.01% 9.45% 14.67% 11.17% 21.45% 8.25% 14.67% 22.83% 20.35% 28.61% 18.20% 18.89% 15.53% 11.70% 16.55% 13.93% 23.08% 9.28% 22.50% 26.76% 23.21% 30.67% 26.51% 21.72% 23.40% 16.18% 20.15% 20.54% 28.23% 11.55% 32.49% 32.86% 25.25% 35.81% 34.08% 24.15% 32.98% 22.77% 21.23% 27.37% 32.11% 14.64% Introduction - Global Aging Trends(2/2) 5 Japan26.44% Italy21.74% Germany21.45% France18.73% U.K18.07% Japan % Germany ↑23.08% Italy ↓22.83% France20.35% U.K18.89% Japan % Germany % Italy % Hong Kong ↑ 23.21% France ↓23.21% Japan % Hong Kong ↑ 34.08% Italy ↓32.86% Korea ↑35.81% Taiwan ↑32.49%
Introduction - Taiwan Aging Trends(1/3) According to MOI Statistics Department statistic [2] 6 The total population: 23,433,753 people From:
Introduction - Taiwan Aging Trends(2/3) % 74.0% 12.5% 11.9% 68.0% 20.1% 10.6% 61.9% 27.5% 9.3% 56.8% 33.9% 8.7% 52.7% 38.6%
Introduction - Taiwan Aging Trends(3/3) % 16.94% 18.12% 47.11% 17.55% 29.55% 61.62% 17.21% 44.41% 76.21% 16.41% 59.81% 89.73% 16.43% 73.31%
Introduction - Aging symptoms(1/2) Physiological function deterioration −Muscle strength decreased −Osteoporosis −Hearing, vision and perception function are decreased −Thermoregulatory function decline −Intelligence decline, etc. Chronic Diseases −Stroke −Diabetes −Arthritis, etc. 9
Introduction - Aging symptoms(2/2) Mental function disorders −Dementia −Alzheimer's Disease(AD) −Depressive tendencies, etc. Common symptoms −Movement ◦Walk or get lost ◦Lacking strength ◦Can not take care of themselves 10 From:
Introduction - The Elderly Care status and needs(1/2) Government measures to aging society −Healthcare −Economic security −Home Care −Leisure and education −Else −Community Service −Consulting service, etc. 11
Introduction - The Elderly Care status and needs(2/2) 12 From:
Introduction - The applications or devices for Long-Term Care 13 Figure. Tele-home care(THC) services
Purpose & Specific aims Social change −Dependency ratio ◦ The rise of elderly population ◦ The decline of birth rate −Demand for long-term care staff ◦ Costs and Benefits 14 From:
Purpose & Specific aims Purpose −Use image processing for in-door surveillance ◦Background subtraction ◦Binary image ◦Moving object and object centroid tracking −Tele-home care services ◦Alert ◦Database 15
System architecture(1/2) 16 Figure. System architecture diagram
The results of algorithm based on TMS320DM6437 (1/3) 17 Figure. Background image and Current image
The results of algorithm based on TMS320DM6437 (2/3) 18 Figure. Shadow region detection
The results of algorithm based on TMS320DM6437 (3/3) 19 Figure. Object region with Background Updating and Shadow Elimination
TMS320DM6437 gradient image 20 Figure. Gradient compute
System management(1/3) Function −Right management −Database Query −Alert 21 Figure. User login form
System management(2/3) 22 Figure. Real-time monitoring interface (Grayscale)
System management(3/3) 23 Figure. Database interface
Conclusion & Discussion 24 The surveillance system has been built for in-door use base on video image processing −Detect the movement in the room −Image processing algorithms ◦Background image updating ◦Shadow elimination −System management
Conclusion & Discussion 25 Image processing −Stability of the image tracking and positioning −Resolve multiple objects image overlapping −Pose recognition −Personal identification System management Security
Future Work Improvement program −Robust Algorithms Development on TI DSP Developer Edition −TMS320DM6437 Statistical Analysis System management −Privacy −Video record 26
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