Established August 1, 2015
Quicker processing Cost saving- fewer employees & less cost in postage needed for online vs. paper processing; More responsibility on educator Fewer errors Ability for public to view licensure data Suggest using Chrome or Foxfire for better performance
Note name appears as logged in. Now there are options to edit and logoff.
DCS requires that the social security card is verified for authenticity by a Human Resources specialist or the school treasurer. A copy of the card will be signed by the person verifying it. The copy is submitted to Human Resources.
Choices are Court Documents or Proof of Name Change
Note instructions for those who must answer “yes” to either question. Note change in criminal statement. It now states “charged or convicted.”
Provide billing information for credit card Submit payment Given authorization number, an application number & the option to view Summary Report Previous name
1. with Application Summary
If at all possible, try to complete the application in one sitting. If the session expires due to inactivity, be very careful not to start another application. Go all the way to the login screen and view the open application to resume without beginning another application (and paying another fee…) Applications expire in 30 days if payment has not been processed. Educators can print copies of their licenses themselves, so DPI will no longer mail licenses to the school system. Link to Licensure Information at DPI:
Registered educators will get reminders from DPI 90, 60 and 30 days before their licenses expire. The licensed educator will login and complete the Statement of Applicant. Licensure Specialist will confirm that the current employee has the appropriate amount of CEUs to renew and notify DPI.
Contact your licensure specialist for assistance: Barbara Brock