Transition Metals part 3 Groups 9-12
Co Cobalt Blue glass Co-60: cancer treatment, sterilization, and irradiation Vitamin B-12: Cobalamin(e) AlNiCo magnets: very strong Steel belted radial tires
Rh Rhodium
Ir Iridium Spark plugs
Mt Meitnerium Named for Lise Meitner
Ni Nickel NiCad rechargeable batteries Reflective coatings Biological enzymes Can be used in white gold
Pd Palladium Catalyst Dental crowns Can be used in white gold Carbon monoxide detectors
Pt Platinum Jewelry Catalyst Very expensive
Ds Darmstadtium Named for Darmstadt, Germany
Cu Copper From the Latin cuprum Conductor Forms brass with zinc, bronze with tin. Statues (statue of liberty)
Cu Copper Plumbing and roofing Bacteriostatic Blue blooded molluscs, arthropods, and Vulcans Biological enzymes
Ag Silver From the Latin argentum Highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal Used in coins, jewelry, tableware, photography, and in mirrors. Antiseptic (AgNO 3 ) Sterling silver is Ag and Cu
Ag Silver Mythically used to kill werewolves Lone Ranger’s bullets British pound was originally one troy pound of sterling silver Abbreviation for pound (lb) comes from libra (scales)
Au Gold From the Latin aurum Coins Jewelry Electrical connectors Arthritis medication Carat number is fraction of pure gold over 24
Rg Roentgenium Named for Wilhelm Roentgen, discoverer of X-rays
Zn Zinc Galvanizing Good taste Batteries Alloyed with copper to make brass Coins Skin medication (ZnO)
Cd Cadmium NiCad rechargeable batteries Highly toxic Control rods
Hg Mercury From the Latin hydrargyrum Thermometers, barometers, manometers Thermostat switches Highly toxic Medicines Lamps
Hg Mercury Found in ore cinnebar (HgS) Formerly used in gold or silver refining Felt hattery
Cn Copernicium Named for Nicolaus Copernicus