L-Thia Overview
L-THIA Area Process Index.html Select Existing (HUC) Watershed Input Latitude/Longitude Draw an Area of Interest (Box) Tabulate land use data by polygon of selected area Watershed delineation Tabulate L-THIA Inputs Geoserver: Display Outline output2.py huc.py manual.py Display polygon as WMS map layer snapping Determine Area Mobile App
L-Thia Modeling Tools Tabulated input from selected polygon landuse.py lthia.py Run L-Thia model Editing landuse Change CN OR EMC input table editemc.cgi cstdisplay.py Display graphical and tabular results editcn.cgi Edit L-THIA Inputs
Outputs Polygons with tabulated landuse and results stored in DB Polygon selection or delineation L-THIA Model Tabulated edited landuse L-THIA NPS Outputs WMS and WFS (XML) Map Output Graph and Tabular Output
Area Selection (using Box)
Example Delineation Results
Editing Land Use
Library Scripts constants.py databasetablenames.py dbmodule_pg.py tools.py Arcpy Contains output string templates and other constant variables Contains names of database tables Contains database interaction functions Contains commonly used non- database functions ESRI geoprocessing library (licensed)
Other Scripts deleteoldsessions.py timer.py Run daily; deletes all temporary files more than one day old Used to time how long processes take
Javascript floating controls.js tabs.js supertabs.js tools.js standard.js Javascript floating boxes Tabbed menus within floating boxes A copy of tabs.js that allows for two layers of tabs Handles zooming to a watershed; editing land use (the map-side part) A library of functions used in other Javascripts
Javascript Continued key.js polygon.js wms236.js Contains the Google Maps key that lets us use their service Used for drawing polygons on the Google Map (for the select polygon tool) Allows display of data from a Geoserver onto a Google Map
HTML Documents index.html about_us.html blank.html tools_minitemplate.html wait.html Main page, contains all site functionality Description page about the project A blank html file (used for some Javascript display purposes) Contains data for the tools tab Displays the waiting message