EMu New Features 2015 Ian Brown
EMu 4.2
Edit in a single language 4.2 (Previously for multi-lingual systems all languages had to be edited simultaneously) Available for multi-lingual EMu clients Display languages in any order Display a single language or all languages “Ghosting” of values for empty fields Enter text in a single language or all languages Lookup Lists auto-fill all languages Text fields may be set as multi-lingual or uni-lingual in EMu Registry
Edit in a single language 4.2
IMu Widget framework provided. What are IMu widgets? EMu aware components in web pages whose content is created independently of the page. Provides ways to browse, search, display, update information from EMu. Widgets are device aware Same widget used for desktop and mobile devices Widget layout based on device
IMu What are IMu widgets? Can be added to any HTML page. Static HTML pages; pages served via templating engines (PHP, JSP, ASP); pages generated by CMS (Joomla, Drupal, Umbraco). Created using JavaScript and based on jQuery library. IMu API extended to support insertions and updates User authentication required Development of data capture widgets
Other… 4.2 Pop-up calendar support for dates
Other… 4.2 Document import support for multi-page scanning. Auto-fill for all Lookup List values. Can be used to enforce value consistency. Faster copying of records from List View. Clear Group Box command. Support for display of PDF images (via Ghostscript tool). Refer to EMu 4.2 release notes in EMu Help.
EMu 4.3
GUID / UUID support 4.3 EMu community proposal from September GUID support in EMu in four phases: 1.Storage of GUIDs in EMu modules 2.GUID generation on EMu record save 3.Local IMu web service for local resolution of EMu GUIDs 4.Global IMu web service portal for global resolution of EMu GUIDs
GUID / UUID support 4.3 Multiple GUIDs can be saved per record Can enable automatic GUID generation on record save UUID Version 4 (random) GUID by default en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier Extensible framework to enable automatic assignment of other types of GUIDs.
GUID / UUID support 4.3
Scheduled operations 4.3 New Operations module Defines task and date/time to be run Core tasks: Merge, Image Import Audit logs created Extensible – System Administrators can develop and plug-in new tasks
Scheduled operations 4.3
IMu Mapper widget Object Locator widgets Tag widget enabling social tagging of objects Rapid Data Entry (RDE) subsystem
Other… 4.3 ImageMagick upgraded to Improved and new support for a number of image/document formats. Calendar pop-up controls added to Condition, Location, Taxon and Valuation batch update dialogs. Many documentation updates and improvements, particularly in regard to EMu Registry settings. Query optimiser improvements. Refer to EMu 4.3 release notes in EMu Help.
In progress
Thesaurus improvements in progress Discussion on EMu Users Forum Change to IRN linked records like other EMu modules Potential for term ambiguity eliminated Browse View replaced by Archive View (EMu 4.1) Various use improvements through Archive View Better term relationship assignment and detection Improvements to query syntax
Thesaurus improvements in progress Dual tree and detail view Navigate via tree view Drag and drop to move nodes
Field Select improvements in progress Field selection uses a separate dialogue box Select fields by: Column name Caption / Label Tab name New mode to allow field selection from modules: Click on field to select it Follow attachments to linked modules Streamline process to create new resources (e.g. List View, Report)
Field Select improvements in progress
Double click to add
Global Replace improvements in progress Global Replace entries saved in EMu registry for re-use Incorporate the Field Select improvements Move data between fields Run in “unattended” mode for large updates
Global Replace improvements in progress
Other… in progress Export / download a batch of multimedia images, rather than one at a time. Spell check able to run on selected set of records, rather then only current record. A tool to simply return objects to their designated permanent location.
Future developments (?)
IMu iBeacon support future iBeacon en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibeacon Apple’s implementation of Bluetooth low-energy (BLE) wireless technology A mechanism for providing location based information and services Beacons are small, cheap, short range Bluetooth transmitters. Each beacon transmits its UUID. Smartphone apps listen for signals transmitted by Beacons and trigger location based content. iOS 7.0+ devices. BLE also compatible with Android 4.3+ devices.
Drag/Drop media improvements future Desktop drop zone for adding media One or many media files Allow right-click in Windows Media ingestion by IMu Handle multiple media files in one operation Multiple media files drop into EMu for ingestion Multiple thumbnails drag/drop within EMu
Modify image metadata future Update metadata in master image EXIF, IPTC, XMP Propagate metadata to image resolutions Can be managed independently of master Global replace e.g. update Copyright field in metadata of media associated with a set of records
Record versioning future Create new version of record based on existing record Previous version is retired Attachments may link to older versions of record History of versions may be viewed