HARRIMAN STATE PARK OF IDAHO RANCH. REFUGE. RETREAT. Overview Harriman State Park Current Winter Program Why Harriman- Why Not! First Steps- Winter 2013/2014 Developed Winter Program- Established Trail, Equipment, Facilities, Location Strong Local Support Trends- Motorized vs Non- motorized Activities that are: Easily Accessible, Easy to learn, Done in a day, Less Specialized Gear. Have Broader Appeal. Sounds Like Harriman! Continued
Perfect fit to the park’s Vision and Mission. New IDPR Strategic Plan Goals. Creating New Experienced Based Programs/Service, Identifying new User Groups, Revenue We struck while the iron was Hot! What we are Doing (It’s all New to Me!): Getting the word out. Free Ski Day- Demo, Education Info, Signage, Opening Day Jan 11th Soliciting Input from users What are others Doing? Assessing- SWOT, The Future (Opportunity!): Events Classes, clinics, tours Enhanced Experiences
Ashton-Tetonia Trail Grand Teton Relay- Our Only Revenue Partners Greater Yellowstone Trail Winter Program- Opportunities