Database Management 8. course
Query types Equality query – Each field has to be equal to a constant Range query – Not all the fields have to be equal to a constant – Example Simple key, age>20 Composite key, age=20, sal can be anything Composite key, age>20, sal>3000
To speed up not supported operations Collection of data entries to speed up search Rid=pointer to the entries
How to organize data? Hash data entries on the search key Build a data structure that direct a search for data entries – Tree-based
Properties of indexes
Clusered vs. unclustered Clustered – Ordering of data is similar to ordering of indexes (data sorted by the search key on every page) – Expensive Unclustered – Random ordering of data
Dense vs. sparse Dense: – It contains at least one data entry for every search key that appears in the data file – Useful optimization techniques rely on it Sparse – Contains one entry for each page in the data file – Much smaller
Primary vs. secondary Primary – Index on a set of fields that includes primary key Secondary – Not primary index Unique – Contains a key candidate Do not get confused about the literature! – Primary: – Secondary:
Simple vs.composite Contains several fields
Tree-structured indexing
Supports equality and range search ISAM (indexed sequential access method): – Static structure, for rarely changed files – Does not adjust to changes in the file – Data is on the tree leaves (pages) and overflow pages B tree, B+ tree – Dynamic, for often changed files – When insert or delete, it is balanced
ISAM Let’s assume a sorted file: – File of Students sorted by gpa – Range search: students with gpa > 3.0 – Logarithmic search, then sequential read – Big file time consuming search Pre idea – Second file that stores the key of the 1st records of the pages and a pointer to the page
Binary search in the second index file Sequential search in the found page Disadvantage: expensive insert and delete
ISAM idea Recursive index file structure – Create a 3rd file from the 2nd index file which stores the 1st key of every page – Create a 4th file from the 3rd index file which stores the 1st key of every page – Etc. – Continue until the file fits on one page – If several inserts: overflow pages are added (index structure is static)
Sequential file storage: 1st main advantage: Fast search! Structure:
Example Search value: 27*
Insert 23*, 48*, 41*, and 42*
Delete 42*, 51*, and 97* 51* remains in the index, empty pages are kept
F: no. of children per index N: no. of leaf pages Search time (no overflow): log F N 2nd main advantage: When a page is requested by a transaction, it gets locked – Queue: transactions waiting for the same page But! The index pages remain free (searching remains possible)
B-trees ISAM: long overflow chain might occur Dynamic structure Balanced tree – Internal nodes: direct the search – Leaf nodes: contain data entries Doubly linked structures by pointers Insert and delete keep it balanced
Properties Order of a B+ tree: d Every node contains m entries where d ≤ m ≤ 2d (in the root 1 ≤ m ≤ 2d)
Format of a node: Non-leaf nodes contain m+1 pointers Only leaf nodes contain data entries (if they are not separated)
Example, d=2
Search The value nodepointer points at
Insert Find the leaf where it belongs, insert there Recursively call the insertion to the proper child node When the leaf or the node is full then split it The new leaf needs a parent node with a pointer to it (newchildentry)
Insert 8* Insert to a full leaf: copy up the middle-key (5) to its parent, split the leaf Insert to a full node: push up the middle-key (17) to its parent, split the node
&(value) = address of value
Alternatives Sibling: a node immediately to the left or right of the node that has the same parent Possibility: try to reorganize entries with a sibling before splitting the node – Replace a parent key with another copied up key If the sibling is full, then split node In average it is worthy to redistribute
Example, insert 8*
Delete Find leaf, delete Recursively call the deletion to the proper child node If the node is on minimal occupancy then redistribute or merge with a sibling (oldchildentry) Update parent
Example, delete 19* and 20*
Delete 24*
17* is pulled down
Alternative, delete 24* Redistribution of entries between non-leaf-level pages
Duplicates Several entries with the same key Use overflow pages Treat like a normal entry and some of the leaves contain values with the same key Search: search for the left-most data (tricky) Helps: rid is the part of the search key
B+ trees in practice Size of the B+ tree depends on the search key size Reduce the key! Helps if e.g. not all the search key value is stored
Prefix key compression Check the largest value in the subtree (Davey Jones) which is smaller than the value of the actual key (David Smith) Store e.g. as many letters as the subelement can be differentiated from the actual one (4)
Bulk-loading a B+ tree Insertion into B+ trees – The tree already exsist, I insert sg into it – The tree is newly created for a file and I start to build it with insertions (algorithm-based, always start from the root) time consuming Bulk-loading – How to build a B+ tree for a file efficiently
Sort data based on search key
Fill root Lowest values are given to the root until the page is full
Split root Create new root
Redistribute E.g. shift left every entry
Split always in the right-most node
The order concept The rule, d denotes the minimal occupancy (number of records) of a node, is sometimes skipped and replaced by physical space criterion (nodes must be kept al least half-full) – Non-leaf node contains more data than a leaf node, since a search key does not need as much space as a data record – Search key contains string: variable size records and index entries – Records with same search key: varible size storing
Effect of insert and delete With splits, merges, and redistributions data may get to another page Rid changes
Thank you for your attention!