Dr. Bambang Purwantara Director Bogor, Indonesia SEAMEO Regional Centre for Tropical Biology
Vision & Mission of the Centre Vision: A Leading Centre for enhancing and promoting the real values of tropical biology in Southeast Asia Mission: To provide scientific knowledge and capacity building in conserving and managing tropical biology sustainably for the well-being of communities and the environment of Southeast Asia
Areas Covered: Food and Feed Security and Safety Bio-energy Development Tropical Pests & Diseases Management Value Adding in Natural Products Biotechnology Tropical Biology for Community Welfare Areas Covered: Biodiversity Conservation & Management Landscape Restoration Management of Tropical Ecosystem Functions and Services Ecosystems Health Monitoring Tropical Biology for Environmental Integrity Major Programmes: Research and Development
Major Programmes: Training 1.Regional Training Course on Control and Management of Invasive Alien Plant Species 2.Regional Training Course on Control and Prevention of Aflatoxin Contamination in Food and Feedstuff 3.Regional Seminar-Workshop on Bioinformatics and Genomics 4.Regional Training Course on Biodiversity Conservation through High Resolution Imagery
Major Programmes: Community Outreach 1.Rehabilitation of ex-mining sites and biodiversity conservation of indigenous and exotic tree species in industrial sites in Indonesia 2.Youth Environmental Outreach Grants Program 3.Restoration of damaged areas due to IAS and community livelihood generation at Mt Pangrango National Park, West Java 4.Free Public Consultation and Orientation for Visitors on various technologies available in the Centre
Significant Accomplishments 1.Herbarium and database having a collection of around 5,000 weeds and invasive alien plant species 2.International Master of Science Degree Program on Information Technology for Natural Resources Management 3.Technologies enhancing sorghum as a commodity for food, feed, fuel, fiber, and fertilizer 4.Protocols for micro propagation of some high value tree species, horticulture plants, tuber crops (Japanese taro & potato) & cottonii seaweed 5.Capacity building of close to 8,000 professionals, farmers and students in various aspects of tropical biology
Vision for the Future Expansion of our MS Degree Program on IT-NRM in terms of: a. offering of double degree program with Japanese universities b. use of latest IT technologies for biodiversity conservation and restoration of degraded landscapes c. tapping of Japanese experts as part of the teaching pool either on face-to-face or distance education Mainstreaming of wildlife in our research portfolio to focus on: a. Ecological studies b. Breeding of threatened species Focus more research on restoration and rehabilitation of degraded landscapes through: a. Bioremediation b. Use of local species c. Use of beneficial soil microbes Strengthening of research and training on biotechnology, bioinformatics and genomics