COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION IN PROJECTS Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Triple I This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
COMMUNICATION AS PART OF MANAGING PARTNERSHIPS Institutional objectives for collaborative partnerships and their place in international activity/strategies are critical factors in successful communication (Cf. Suzanne Alexander’s keynote presentation in EAIE Conference in Copenhagen 2011)
Erasmus Mundus Programme Action 1 Action 2 Partnerships Action 3 Erasmus Mundus Promotion Projects Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Programmes Strand 2 Lots 1-5 North America, Pacific, East Asia, South-East Asia, Gulf Strand 1 Lots 1-15 the old ECW
OVERVIEW OF TRIPLE I PARTNERSHIP Network of 20 universities Collaboration since 2008 Multidisciplinary collaboration in field of higher education (Triple I – Institutions, Integration, Interaction) Involvement of Russian non-partner institutions Follow-up reporting to EU
PARTNERSHIP European partners: Russian partners: University of Turku (Coordinator) University of Algarve University of Bologna University of Deusto University of Göttingen Humboldt University Berlin Katholieke University Leuven Masaryk University University of Latvia Pultusk Academy of Humanities Russian partners: Higher School of Economics Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Irkutsk State University Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University Petrozavodsk State University Russian State University for the Humanities St. Petersburg State University Udmurt State University Ural State University Yaroslav-The-Wise Novgorod State University
COMMUNICATION MECHANISIMS IN TRIPLE I email lists website partner surveys Moodle as intranet monthly newsletter contact person at each partner meetings 1-2 yearly eVote transparency, consistency
IMPORTANT FACTORS IN COMMUNICATION Getting to know each other: two-way visits, building good personal relationships Ensure that there are clear benefits for both parties Continuing commitment to the management and development of the relationship Recognizing when partnership is over
SUCCESS FACTORS IN EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Appropriate and transparent structure for decision making Knowing who is responsible for the relationship at all times Clear communication channels Recognition that a partnership involves a two- (or more) way relationship Sharing experience and information Regular monitoring and review (quality assurance)
GOOD EXPERIENCES Understand (and respect) cultural differences – be patient but persistent Give time for learning Select a compatible partner, and ensure that each partner knows what the other wants from the relationship Ensure continuing commitment to the management and development of the relationship