Chapter 7 | ProStart Year 1 Communication Chapter 7 | ProStart Year 1
The Process of Communication Communication is the process of sending and receiving information by talk, gestures, or writing for some type of response or action. Includes both verbal (speaking and writing) and non-verbal ( body language and gestures). Understanding the process is important for building strong relationships with employees and customers. Example of the communication process in the restaurant and foodservice industry: Sender: Chef Receiver: Line Cook Message Content: “Fire three shrimp on table 10” Message Channel: Downward Context: The line cook is “in the weeds” and the chef really needs that table out quickly.
The Communication Process
Message Content The main connection between the people sending and receiving a message is the message content: Historical Information Information has already happened Examples: Company history and orientation information Status updates and management decisions Action-required Information People who send these messages expect something to happen because of the message Examples An order from a supervisor “Clean that table”
Message Forms Words: This can mean verbal or written words Sounds: For example, a siren is one way to send a message Graphic Illustrations: Some examples of this are pictures, diagrams, job aids. Signs and symbols: Gestures and nonverbal forms
Barriers to Communication Anything that interferes or affects communication Includes lack of time and other pressing needs To prevent barriers in communication: Before sending a message, observe the audience. Decide the best way to get the message out. Make sure the message was successfully received.
Obstacles to Good Communication Jargon Language Differences Clarity Gestures Assumptions Semantics (what words mean) Cultural Differences Nonverbal Boundaries Noise Tone of Message Prejudices and Biases Other Distractions
Personal Characteristics That Affect Communication Skills Personal characteristics include body language, eye contact, and credibility Guidelines to help people accept and understand from all walks of life: Be aware that not everyone has the same behaviors If misinterpreted behavior has offended someone, clarify and apologize. If offended by someone else’s communication, let that person know. See and treat people as individuals, rather than members of a particular group. Credibility is the ability of a person to be believed. This is crucial when a problem arises between two people. For servers, product knowledge is important to credibility since guests rely on them to provide accurate information and answer questions correctly. When handling complaints, both managers and servers must demonstrate credibility so that the guest can be confident that the problem has been clearly understood. Chefs demonstrate credibility when describing ingredients, cooking methods, and culinary history.
Effective Listening Listening is the ability to focus closely on what another person is saying to summarize the true meaning of a message. Prepare to listen. Show that you’re paying attention. Don’t interrupt and don’t finish the other person’s sentences in your mind or aloud. Ask questions to clarify. Listen between the lines. Don’t overreact. Record key ideas and phrases. When listening to others speak, don’t interrupt them or finish their sentences, either aloud or to yourself. For one thing you might be incorrect and another, the speaker might interpret your actions as a lack of interest in their words. Occasionally rephrase and repeat what you have heard for clarity. Listen to everything a person communicates, not just what they are saying; body language is key.
Effective Speaking Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Qualities of an Effective Speaker Interact with audience. Use suitable language. Use appropriate nonverbal communication Vary your speech patterns Close the conversation.
Effective Telephone Skills State the name of the organization, followed by the call receiver’s name, and the question, “How may I assist you?” Listen for the reason the caller has phoned the organization. Maintain a positive, polite, and courteous attitude when speaking with the caller. If the caller has a large amount of information, take notes. Paraphrase or repeat information. Decide if you can help them resolve the problem. If you can help, explain the steps to be taken to the caller. Close conversation by explaining you are transferring them or asking if you can help with anything else. Always end on a positive note. Write messages down Effective Telephone Skills When answering the phone use these guidelines: Never put a caller on hold without asking permission to do so. If a caller is on hold, get abck to him as quickly as possible. If the person whom the caller is trying to reach is still unavailable, ask the caller whether they wish to continue to hold and thank them for being patient. If a caller has waited longer than a minute, offer again to take a message. If possible let the person for whom the caller is holding know that there is another call waiting. Try to find how long the caller will have to hold.
Effective Writing Written business communication is another means for a manager to share information. Written communication pointers: Be brief. Be clear and complete. Review writing to be sure ideas are understandable and comprehensive. Keep it simple. Check your work. Always write with an upbeat attitude. Take a timeout. Read out loud to check grammar and punctuation. To write a successful message, the communicator needs a strong process that helps him or her to plan what to say and builds the message’s structure. Beware of the common pitfalls of writing: Lack of planning, lack of purpose, forgetting the target audience, and use of incorrect style.
Organizational Communication Organizational Communication is the numerous messages and information that convey operational procedures, policies, and announcements to a wide variety of audiences. Two types of organizational communication are: Mission Statements primarily serves an internal function; describes the company’s purpose and key objectives Vision Statements directed both internally and externally; defines the company’s purpose and values to employees and customers Can be sent within and outside the organization Within: Email stating a change in the dress code. Outside: Table tent for guests to read that outlines the new practices taking place in the operation Other high priorities for organizational communication include industrial, environmental, and community-related issues. Industrial and environmental issues impact every restaurant and foodservice organization (ie. Parking lot renovations, smoking bans,etc. ) Organizational communication is key to alerting the public about these changes and the restaurant’s support of them.
Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal communication is a two-way communication that has immediate feedback Occurs in all types of relationships The goal of interpersonal communication is to achieve a specific outcome. provide performance feedback improve the relationships of the people involved People trying to relate to each other on some level
Sharing Information and Verbal Messages Verbal messages have a significant impact on interpersonal communication, and, therefore, on the relationships a manager has with employees. Empathy is the act of identifying with the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another person. Successful managers use all the available and appropriate ways to communicate with staff and coworkers. In interpersonal communication, one person shares information that helps the other person relate back. By sharing, the two become closer and strengthen their relationship. Interpersonal communication allows managers to model an organization’s values to employees.