Intercultural communication
Is a shared system of beliefs, attitudes, values, expectations and norms of behavior.
Within the same culture, people have similar beliefs, thinking and behvior.
As a result of cultural differences, MISUNDERSTANDINGS easily occur.
Treat people not the way YOU WANT TO BE TREATED. Instead treat them the way THEY WANT TO BE TREATED.
Is the belief that one’s own culture is superior to all other cultures.
1. pre-conceived judgements. 2.Limited experience. 3.stereotyping.
1.Recognise differences 2.Avoid assumptions 3.No pre-judgements
1.Countries 2.Ethnic backgrounds 3.races.
4.religion. 5.Family structure.
1.Show respect. 2.Show empathy. 3.No prejudgement.
4.Be open minded. 5.Avoid distractions. 6.Be patient.
7.Find similarities. 8.Send clear messages. 9.Recognise your prejudices.
Step1. Decide objective of communication Step2.Select channel
Step 3. select encoding technique Step 4. Consider barriers Step 5. Send message
Step 6. Check for understanding. Step7. Get feedback.