Effective Communication Process Listen to the six step process in the following video player_embedded&v=6o3fxJ5Q_RU
Four Communication Styles Controller – Wants just the facts Can be perceived as bossy and insensitive Extremely goal oriented & motivated to get things done Promoter- Lots of fun, likes to talk endlessly They are enthusiastic, curious & expressive Source: Supporter- Calm, cool & collected Patient, competent and steady workers Do not like conflict Good listeners & usually have many friends Likes to avoid offending anyone Analyzer- Likes facts & figures Sometimes slow to make a decision without enough info Loves lists, charts, graphs, and figures Sometimes seen as pessimistic Often seen as frugal or economical
Communicating with someone with the opposite communication style???? Controller- Get to the point Set & clarify goals and objectives Give conclusions, solve problems and talk in terms of results not methods Promoter- Talk in terms of people and stories, use lots of examples Leave plenty of time for talk and social niceties Supporter- Don’t come on too strong Earn their trust in small steps Provide plenty of reassurance Analyzer- Be well prepared when with talking when this person Have plenty of facts & figures Answer all their questions Give them time to think & analyze information
Different Ways of Communication Intrapersonal Interpersonal Public Mass Small Group Non-verbal Source: Each type of communication occurs in several different contexts- for example: Starting & maintaining relationships Accomplishing specific task Disseminating information
Communication Descriptions Intrapersonal- communication with yourself Interpersonal- communication with others Public- speaking to an audience to inform or persuade Source: Mass- sending a message to many receivers at once. Small Group people communicate to accomplish a task or fulfill need for companionship or support Non-verbal- communication does not include words- people use their bodies & eye contact
Different Ways of Communicating - No Problem! Differences present challenges in workplace Communication styles and ways of relating to others – influenced by many factors- One major factor- Culture High- Context vs Low- Context Source: High-Context Communication- Eastern- based & some European cultures Relies on relationships- Use sublet & implicit messaging Low-Context Communication- Western- European based cultures Relies explicitly on spelling out instructions, rules, directions and expectations. Important to follow instructions as given.
Communication Tools for Understanding Cultural Differences Low-Context communicators with High-Context listeners be aware of: Nonverbal messages & gestures are important as what’s said Face-saving and tact are important- need to be balanced Building good relationship, is important, use creative thinking as alternatives to problem- solving Source: High-Context communicators with Low- Context listeners be aware of: “Hears” message as spoken, not always understand layers of meaning- Indirect cues Efficiency & effectiveness important to stay on task Direct questions & observations not meant to offend, but rather to clarify
Intercultural Communication requires time to learn how to communicate with each other Low-Context Communicator: Direct High-Context Communicator: Indirect