Mobility Comfort Avoid Discrimination Disease prevention Cancer Diabetes Cardiovascular Disease Osteoarthritis Sleep Apnea Gallbladder Disease
ENERGY BALANCE Energy In = Energy Out Kcal consumed = Kcal expended What Happens When: Kcal consumed > Kcal expended? Kcal consumed < Kcal expended? To lose weight: create a calorie deficit. To gain weight: create a calorie surplus.
Measuring Energy Needs Basal Metabolism Height Weight Age Genetics Voluntary Activity Thermic Effect of Food
Total Daily Expenditure (TDE) TDE= (BEE) X (AF) Basal Energy Expenditure (BEE) for Men: (wt in kg) +5(ht in cm)-6.8(age) BEE for Women: (wt in kg)+1.8(ht in cm)-4.7(age) Activity factor (AF): 1.2 not active 1.3 moderately active 1.6 active
How to Measure a Healthy Weight Scale Body Mass Index (BMI) Pear vs. Apple Body Shape Body Fat Percentage
Copyright 2005 Wadsworth Group, a division of Thomson Learning
Body Fat Measurements Underwater weighing Air Displacement DEXA Skin Fold Measurement
Healthy Body Fat Percentages Women –Essential: 15% –Athletic 16-20% –Average 21-30% –Overfat 31% and up Men Essential: 3% Athletic: 5-10% Average: 11-20% Overfat: 21% and up
Underweight VS. Overweight If not ill or malnourished, being slightly to moderately underweight is not harmful. BMI Being slightly to moderately overweight, in most cases, is not harmful. BMI Being obese is almost always harmful. BMI over 30 Being overweight and fit is healthier than slim and unfit.
Causes of Obesity Are Complex Thermodynamics Genetic –Parents –Fat cells –Set point –Satiety—Arcuate Nucleus Leptin Gherlin NPY Environment –Convenience, size, price and advertising of food –Exercise (paying for exercise, exercise as punishment) –Advancement of society Psychological—eating disorders and disordered eating.
Dieting and Weight Loss Very Low Calorie Diets Liquid Diets Drugs Surgery Fad Diets
Losing Weight Properly Determine why you want to lose wt. Set realistic goals Define SMART objectives Exercise more Reduce fat and/or portion size Eat out less often
How to Gain Weight Properly Set realistic goals Develop SMART objectives Eat larger meals w/ high calorie first Eat snacks Eat nutrient dense foods that are also calorie dense. Weight train
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