CNES program status CNES program status E. Thouvenot, CNES March 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

CNES program status CNES program status E. Thouvenot, CNES March 2007

CNES program status – OST-ST meeting - Hobart - March, CNES Strategy in Oceanography Contribute to operational outcome of altimetry : TOPEX/POSEIDON => JASON1 => JASON2/OSTM =>JASON3 ERS 1 & 2 => ENVISAT => SENTINEL3 + CORIOLIS, MERCATOR/COO/ECOMF,... Continue research activities for future altimetry missions/instruments (AltiKa, WSOA, Water,…) Contribute to space measurements of other ocean physical parameters : - salinity : SMOS, CNES contribution to ESA project - directional wave spectrum (SWIM/CFOSAT) - ocean colour (SSO or GEO) Prepare ocean applications of ORFEO (Cosmo SkyMed/ Pleiades) : mainly coastal applications

CNES program status – OST-ST meeting - Hobart - March, TOPEX/POSEIDON (CNES/NASA) Launcher DORIS & POSEIDON Mission Center Reference mission Ocean Large scale Earth reference system SPOT2 (CNES) DORIS SPOT3 (CNES) DORIS SPOT4 (CNES) DORIS SPOT5 (CNES) DORIS Jason-1 (CNES/NASA) Satellite bus DORIS & POSEIDON Control & Mission Center ERS-1 (ESA) Altimeter algorithm ENVISAT (ESA) DORIS Altimeter Processing Archive & distrib. ERS-2 (ESA) experiment operational CRYOSAT2 (ESA) DORIS Jason-2 / OSTM (CNES/NASA/EUMETSAT/NOAA) Satellite bus DORIS & POSEIDON Control & Mission Center ALTIKA/SARAL (CNES/ISRO) Altimeter, radiometer, DORIS, Lra Process, archive & distrib. SALP : Altimetry and precise positioning service MERCATOR : assimilation, forecast CNES / SHOM / METEOFRANCE / IFREMER / CNRS / IRD PLEIADES (CNES) DORIS 2005 CRYOSAT (ESA) DORIS 2010 HY-2 (CNSA) DORIS ? CNES involvment in altimetry Complementing mission mesoscale, ice

CNES program status – OST-ST meeting - Hobart - March, Status of altimetry missions/activities ■TOPEX/POSEIDON :  Stopped after more than 13 years of ocean observations ■Jason1/TOPEX tandem mission : success ! ■ENVISAT  excellent synergy with Jason1 (T/P and ERS complementarity further improved) ■DORIS  5 DORIS receivers simultaneously in flight : earth reference system strengthened ■MERCATOR  inter Agency structure for the implementation of an oceanographic forecasting center in Europe in the mid term (GMES Marine Core Service) ■AltiKa : Implementation phase approved. Launch possible from end ■SALP/SSALTO/AVISO : multi-mission ground segment ■Next Step : possible contribution(s) to HY-2A/Water/SENTINEL3/JASON3 (TBD) ■Important notice to OST-ST members : new Research Announcement for the next 4- years : NASA AO : see ROSES. CNES/EUMETSAT AO : see AVISO website  New team in place early 2008 (before Jason2/OSTM launch)

CNES program status – OST-ST meeting - Hobart - March, AVISO Data user teams

CNES program status – OST-ST meeting - Hobart - March, 20076Jason1 ■Qualified in orbit ■Operational mission underway ■Products distributed routinely ■CNES operations funded through SALP ■Required lifetime : 3 years (achieved in december, 2004) ■Extended mission: 5 years (achieved in december, 2006) ■Extension agreement for 5 more years of operation signed between CNES & NASA on december, 2006

CNES program status – OST-ST meeting - Hobart - March, Jason2/OSTM European side ■Cooperative Framework between NOAA/NASA/EUMETSAT/CNES  basic mission, continuation of Jason1 (Core Mission)  Technological passengers to enhance DORIS performance (CARMEN2/LPT, T2L2)  4-party MOU signed  LPT CNES/JAXA MOU signed ■CNES  program approved in April, 2004 ■EUMETSAT  program approved in June, 2003  CNES/EUMETSAT agreement signed Launch date : june 15, 2008

CNES program status – OST-ST meeting - Hobart - March, SARAL/AltiKa ■Program approved on december, 2005  Altimetric Gap filler between ENVISAT & SENTINEL3  Research oriented mission : - new, higher frequency, greater performance - potential new applications on ice, land, coast areas  …but with a consolidated architecture : conventional altimeter ■Cooperative framework : CNES/ISRO  Initially, AltiKa wa supposed to be embarked on OCEANSAT3 mission (with other ocean-dedicated sensors…)  However, delay on OCEANSAT3 schedule  May/June 2006 : CNES&ISRO proposition to embark AltiKa payload with Argos3, on a new platform, named SSB (Small Satellite Bus), which is presently being developed by ISRO.  July2006/November2006 : CNES&ISRO technical studies to assess the feasibility : ok  Confirmation of CNES&ISRO cooperation on this new baseline obtained on December 2006 : SARAL mission (Satellite with ARgos & ALtika)  CNES/ISRO MOUs signed in february, 2007  Tentative launch date : end-2009/early-2010 ■Data policy : ~ the same as JASON missions (through CNES/ISRO RAs)

CNES program status – OST-ST meeting - Hobart - March, Status of altimetry programs

CNES program status – OST-ST meeting - Hobart - March, DORIS Next Steps ■HY-2A : CNES/CNSA discussions underway  Payload : Dual frequency altimeter, nadir 3-frequency radiometer, 5-frequency scanning radiometer, scanning scatterometer, +DORIS/GPS/LRA  Orbit : SSO 6am-6pm, 14 days (after 1-year geodetic mission)  Launch : 2009 ■JASON3 : (see dedicated presentation)  NOAA/EUMETSAT cooperation with EC, CNES & NASA (TBC) contributions  CNES in-kind contribution : Proteus platform and project team equivalent to JASON/OSTM (i.e. about one third of European part of the program)  Launch : end-2012 ■WATER (or SWOT) : CNES/NASA discussions underway  Ku/C nadir altimeter (SRAL) + Ka-band wide-swath SAR-altimeter  Phase 0 in 2007 (CNES/JPL)  Cooperation scheme TBD  Launch : timeframe ■and contributions to ESA/EC missions : Cryosat2, Sentinel3 (TBD) : see dedicated presentation