Testing & Physiology of Cyclists
What is Fitness? Physical Fitness: Attributes that allow the performance of physical activity/exercise. Physical Activity: Any movement that results in energy expenditure. Training: Exercise program that is planned, structured, repetitive and purposeful. Measurement: The assessment of the attributes of physical fitness.
ENDURANCE Basis for aerobic sports Improves recovery processes Builds fatigue resistance Allows for progression to higher intensity Central & peripheral adaptations occur Changes in body composition
POWER The rate at which work is done Measure of intensity POWER = FORCE x DISTANCE/TIME Power requires good strength and speed
SPEED The ability to move quickly Sprints (full recovery between reps) Intervals (for speed endurance) Weight Training Power Training – on the bike
Prescription / Intervention Training Zones Program Design and Adjustments Specific Training Sessions
Training And Racing Relating To Lactate Concentration ACIDITYACIDITY 11.0 mMvVO2 Max Reps – Points – Scratch Race 10.0 mMStrong AcidosisLactate Tolerance Sets – Pro Logue TT 9.0 mM30 -45min Criterium or Road Time Trial 8.0 mM 7.0 mMInterval Training 6.0 mMModerate Acidosis40km Time Trial 5.0 mM½ Marathon 4.0mM LT2Fartlek / Intervals / 5km Intervals - T4 3.0mMSlight AcidosisIntensive Aerobic Training (T-2) 2.0mMLT1Long Rides T-1 T-2 1.0mMLow AcidosisEndurance Riding <1.0mmRecovery / Regeneration Training 12 +Extreme AcidosisAll out Efforts- Pursuit Track
Training Zones REC T-1 T-3 T-2 T-4 VO 2 max
Construction Method REC T-1 T-2T-3 T-4 C-1C-2
Training Zones Based On Heart Rate and Lactate Data Cycle Zones Training ZoneHeart Rate (bpm) Power Output (Watts) Recovery <134<125 T T T T T-5 (VO 2 max)
Cycle Test Results Compared to World Class Female Cyclists MeasureAverageMinimumMaximumYour result Height (cm) Body Mass (kg) Body Mass Index* Skinfold Sum (S7 mm)* Peak Aerobic Power (W) Power Weight (W·kg -1 ) VO 2 max (L·min -1 ) VO 2 max (mL·kg -1 ·min -1 ) LT1 Power Output (W) LT2 Power Output (W) * Body mass index is Body Mass (kg)/[Height (m)] 2 and is a measure of your body mass relative to height. Sum of 7 skinfolds is the total of the triceps, biceps, supraspinale, subscapular, abdominal, thigh and calf sites.
Cycle Test Results Compared to World Class Female Cyclists MeasureAverageMinimumMaximumYour result Height (cm) Body Mass (kg) Body Mass Index* Skinfold Sum (S7 mm)* Peak Aerobic Power (W) Power Weight (W·kg -1 ) VO 2 max (L·min -1 ) VO 2 max (mL·kg -1 ·min -1 ) HR max (b·min -1 ) LT1 Power Output (W) LT2 Power Output (W) Efficiency (%) * Body mass index is Body Mass (kg)/[Height (m)] 2 and is a measure of your body mass relative to height. Sum of 7 skinfolds is the total of the triceps, biceps, supraspinale, subscapular, abdominal, thigh and calf sites.