Physical Education Department PHYSIQUE Somatotypes MesomorphEctomorphEndomorph
Physical Education Department Endomorph Round or Pear shaped Narrow shoulder/ large hips Excess weight: round hips, large waist/ thighs Sumo wrestler Wrestler Weight lifters
Physical Education Department Mesomorph Athletic build Broad shoulders Narrow hips Developed chest muscular Rugby player Body builder Weight lifter Boxer Swimmer
Physical Education Department Ectomorph Slightly built Narrow shoulder Long limbs Skinny Basketball player Cyclist Race walker Distance runner
Physical Education Department Somatocharts Extreme Mesomorph Extreme Ectomorph Extreme Endomorph Gymnast Race walker Sumo wrestler
Physical Education Department Body Weight and Sport There is a difference between normal health body weight and body weight for certain physical activities.There is a difference between normal health body weight and body weight for certain physical activities. The body Mass Index is used to measure height/ weight ratio.The body Mass Index is used to measure height/ weight ratio. Calculating your B.M.I. 1.Weigh yourself in kg. __________kg 2.Measure your height in metres__________m 3.Put your numbers into the following equation. BMI = Weight in kg Height in m2 Height in m2 BMI = Less than 20 underweight – Underweight 20 – 25 - Just right 25 – 30 - Overweight Very overweight
Physical Education Department