Tarek Moustafa1 Humanities 2 nd Year – Chemical Engineering Tarek Moustafa, Ph.D. March, 2011
Tarek Moustafa2 Acetone 7% Acetic acid 61.9% Acetic anhydride Acetone Acetic acid Acetic anhydride Acetone 10% Acetic acid 88% Acetic anhydride Acetic acid Acetic anhydride 0Degree of freedom 1Number of relations 1Flows 6Number of specified 4Number of balances 12Number of variables Unit I
Tarek Moustafa3 Course Objectives (TPO) To perform an effective presentation To communicate with others in a better way To organize and express thoughts clearly and concisely both in speaking and writing To write with an acceptable performance a technical report To differentiate between various types of sentences & paragraphs in technical writing
Tarek Moustafa4 References Presentation Skills, 2009, Training course. IMS, 2003, Learning International. Unpublished Courses in Supervisory Skills
Tarek Moustafa5 Course Content Communication Skills Part One - Presentation Skills - Inter-personal Management Skills (IMS) Part Two Technical Writing
Tarek Moustafa6 Introduction Factors of Effective Performance The primary outcome expected from an engineer in his company is to: Build the business - Consistently deliver high-quality results, both short and long term Build the organization capacity - Develop own capabilities - Support the development of others’ capabilities - Improves the business process
Tarek Moustafa7 Key Factors 1.Technical Mastery 3. Priority Setting 5. Thinking/Problem Solving 6. Creativity and Innovation 7. Working Effectively with Others 8. Initiative and Follow-Through 2. Communication 4. Leadership
Tarek Moustafa8 A Side Kick Commitment, we need to have it… particularly after our great revolution A quick quiz 1. Write 4 points on: what do you need from this course?
Tarek Moustafa9 Communication Seeks first to understand, then to be understood. Organizes & expresses thoughts clearly and concisely both in speaking & writing, so that other understand. Expresses ideas in ways that build commitment to them, even when unfamiliar or unpopular; involves & fully inform others in a timely way. Recognizes cultural differences & communicate in ways that works.
Tarek Moustafa10 Working Effectively with Others Demonstrates integrity & high personal standards. Respects & works effectively with diverse people; enable all to contribute their best work. Builds & maintains productive working relationships, even in difficult situations. Works across organization to develop the best approaches & get the best results.
Tarek Moustafa11 Technical Mastery Achieves technical mastery & develops it in others. Converts technical skills into practical applications to better meet customers needs. Integrates linkages with the business process of suppliers and customers.
Tarek Moustafa12 Priority Setting Thinks in terms of creating quality value. Define who his customers are; seeks to understand their needs; sets priorities with those in mind. Recognizes the most important issue; makes effective plans; get resources in place to achieve key objectives. Works with the end result in mind, despite obstacles.
Tarek Moustafa13 Thinking/Problem Solving Sorts through complex data; gather their relevant viewpoints; identifies important issues; thinks through alternatives. Integrates intuition and data from variety of sources; makes well-reasoned conclusions and develops a solid plan of actions. Learns from success and mistakes to solve problems better. Recognizes developing problems and handle them well.
Tarek Moustafa14 Creativity & Innovations Takes a broad view; finds meanings-full connection; uses both logic and intuition to define problems and solutions. Goes beyond the accepted ideas; finds new improvement opportunities; generates ways to get better results. Searches out and reapplies proven ideas and methods to new solutions. Translates new ideas into workable solutions; encourages others to do the same.
Tarek Moustafa15 Initiative & Follow-through Gets going on important priorities; overcome obstacles and takes appropriate risks; keeps moving towards objectives. Handles multiple priorities well. Sets specific; stretching objectives, and meets or exceeds them. Finds improved ways of getting results.
Tarek Moustafa16 Leadership Recognizes opportunities; forms a vision of what can be achieved, then challenges self and others to get the desired results. Champions ideas and people to get breakthrough results. Uses a variety of resources effectively.
Tarek Moustafa17 Other Key Factors 1.Passion for Growth 2. Seizing the Future 3. Breakthrough Thinking 4. Changing Catalyst 5. Holding People Accountable 6. Empowering Others 7. Team Leadership 8. Developing Self and Others 9. Team Commitment 10. Strategic Influencing 11. Organizational Awareness
Tarek Moustafa18 Quotes “Everything that can be invented has been invented.” Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patents, “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.” Ken Olson, President & Founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977.