Satellite geophysics. Land and Sea Ice. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, Applications: Mapping the altitude of ice-covered areas Map the distribution of sea-ice, ice warning (DMI). Changes and interpretation of changes related to sea- level
Satellite geophysics. Land and Sea Ice. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen,
Satellite geophysics. Land and Sea Ice. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, Satellitter: Instrumenter ble.aspx ble.aspx Data sources w.aspx w.aspx
Satellite geophysics. Land and Sea Ice. Satelitter I C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, SEASAT, ERS1/2, ENVISAT, TPX – Radar altimetry and SAR RADARSAT (SAR) CryoSat2 - Interferometric altimetry ICESAT – Laser altimetry SPOT-5, ASTER
Satellite geophysics. Land and Sea Ice. Satelitter C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, Nimbus-7, DMSP, NOAA, Landsat,Aqua (NASA): SMMR, SSM/I, AMSR-E. NPP: VIIRS ( SMOS GRACE (tyngdeændringer)
Satellite geophysics. SEASAT. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, Launched 28 JUN 78, stopped 10 OCT 1978 a= 7930 km, i=108 grader, T= 100 m Radar-altimeter, Syntetisk Aparture Radar. Demonstrated earth-observation from satellie worked. (Maybe too well). Forrunner for ESA, NASA as well as US-DOD satellittes. f_satellites/seas_general.html f_satellites/seas_general.html
Satellite geophysics.ERS-1/2, ENVISAT, TPX. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, ERS1/2, ENVISAT – Radar altimetry and SAR Covers up to 82 degrees ! 36 days repeat. US DOD satellittes: GEOSAT, GSFO Secret USSR satellittes TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason – Radar Altimetry Covers up to 65 degrees, 11 days repeat.
Satellite geophysics. CryoSat2. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, CryoSat2 - Interferometric altimetry Not sun-synkroneous, a=7095, i=92 grader, 369 days repeat cryosat_0.htmlhttp:// cryosat_0.html
Satellite geophysics. ICESAT. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, i=94 degrees, Anvendelser: Aakjær og Levinsen,
Satellite geophysics. ICESAT. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen,
Satellite geophysics. SPOT-5. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, SPOT_5 SPOT_5 Levinsen et al., 2013: HRS High Resolution Stereoscope
Satellite geophysics. Nimbus, DMSP, AQUA. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, html html tml tml
Satellite geophysics. NPP. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, NPP: VIIRS ( Build your own NPP: aper_Model_Letter_OPTIMIZED.pdf aper_Model_Letter_OPTIMIZED.pdf
Satellite geophysics. Instruments. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, Radar and Laser altimeters Interferometrisk altimetri
Satellite geophysics. SAR. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen,
Satellite geophysics. SAR. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen,
Satellite geophysics. SAR. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen,
Satellite geophysics. SPOT-5 HRS. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen,
Satellite geophysics. SPOT-5 HRS. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen,
Satellite geophysics. SAR. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen,
Satellite geophysics. NOAA-N. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen,
Satellite geophysics. Radiometri. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, AVHRR/3 is a six channel imaging radiometer that detects energy in the visible IR portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. HIRS/4 provides multispectral data from one visible channel, seven shortwave channels, and twelve longwave channels using a single telescope and a rotating filter wheel containing twenty individual spectral filters. AMSU-A is a cross-track scanning total power radiometer, which is divided into two physically separate modules that interface with the spacecraft independently. The AMSU-A measures scene radiance in the microwave spectrum. MHS is a five-channel microwave instrument intended primarily to measure profiles of atmospheric humidity.
Satellite geophysics. GRACE. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment
Satellite geophysics. GRACE – Greenland. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, Time series of ice mass changes for the GrIS based on GRACE monthly mass Blue is the unfiltered mass change estimates, red is the filtered data, and green is the best fitting quadratic trend.
Satellite geophysics. EUMETSAT. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, / GroundNetwork/ApplicationGroundSegment/S AFs/SAFProjects/SP_ / GroundNetwork/ApplicationGroundSegment/S AFs/SAFProjects/SP_
Satellite geophysics. DTU. C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen,