Results (cont’d) Results. Abstract Methods Methods (cont’d) Purpose Conclusions Authors: David Cooley Effects of cooling and heating fans on thermoregulation INTRODUCTION: The human body must maintain a constant internal environment for optimal operation of cellular activity. This homeostatic balance is maintained at rest but becomes more of a challenge during exercise. An important internal regulatory mechanism is thermoregulation. Thermoregulation is defined as the ability of an organism to maintain a core body temperature within certain boundaries, even when internal and external temperatures are altered. The hypothalamus is responsible for keeping the body’s core temperature within a normal range, around 97 to 99 degrees Fahrenheit, at rest and during exercise. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of heating and cooling fans on thermoregulation during recovery following high intensity, intermittent exercise. METHODS: Five males (M; age yrs) of the UTA Kinesiology department, volunteered to participate in this study. Height ( in.) and weight ( lbs) were also measured. The subjects ran eight 40 yard sprints with a 15 second rest period between each sprint. Immediately afterward, a 12 minute recovery period with a different cooling or heating fan was used to observe their effects on temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate. There were four different recovery conditions. The first session was a passive recovery, where baseline measurements (B) were taken immediately post exercise (min 1) then at 4, 8, and 12 min. The recovery conditions for the next three sessions were randomized among either a heating fan (HF), regular cooling fan (CF), or a cooling fan with a spray of water (CFW). The subjects stood exactly 1 ft in front of the fans. The data collected during the recovery periods included heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and core temperature with an ear thermometer (temp). RESULTS: The recovery heart rates and fan interactions for baseline (BHR1: , BHR12: ), cooling fan, water (CFWHR1: , CFWHR12: ), and heating fan (HFHR1: , HFHR12: ) between min 1 and 12 were not significant (p > 0.05). Only the cooling fan (CFHR1: , CFHR12: ) was significantly better than passive recovery in lowering heart rate (p 0.05). Only the cooling fan, water, temperature (CFWTEMP1: , CFWTEMP12: ) was significantly better than passive recovery in lowering core temperature (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that a cooling fan is a better way of lowering heart rate after anaerobic exercise than passive recovery alone. Also for lowering temperature after high intensity, intermittent exercise, a cooling fan with a water spray was more effective than passive recovery alone. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of heating and cooling fans on thermoregulation during recovery after anaerobic exercise. It is hypothesized that the cooling fan with water spray will be more effective than passive recovery on thermoregulation after anaerobic exercise. Faculty Sponsors : Dr. Judy Wilson The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX. Applied Exercise Physiology, 2013 Participants: Five males (M; age yrs) of the UTA Kinesiology department, volunteered to participate in this study. Height ( in.) and weight ( lbs.) were measured. Procedure : The subjects ran eight 40 yard sprints with a 15 second rest period in between each sprint. Immediately afterward a 12 minute recovery period with a different cooling or heating fan was used to observe their effects on temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate. There were four different recovery conditions. The first session was a passive recovery, where baseline measurements were taken immediately post exercise (Min 1) then at 4, 8, and 12 min. The recovery conditions for the next three sessions were randomized using either a heating fan (HF), regular cooling fan (CF), or a cooling fan with a spray of water (CFW). The subjects stood exactly 1 ft in front of the fans. The data collected during the recovery period included heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and core temperature with an ear thermometer (temp). Instrumentation : Cooling Fan Cooling Fan with water spray Heating Fan Ear Thermometer Digital Sphygmomanometer Heart Rate Monitor Statistical Analysis : Data were analyzed using SPSS version 19.0 for Windows. Values are expressed as means ± SD. A 2 x 4 repeated measures ANOVA with two within-subjects factors, time (immediate, 12 minute post) and recovery (Cooling Fan, Cooling Fan w/ water spray, Heating Fan) was used to determine the effects of heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and temperature. Follow-up tests of significant ANOVA effects were compared using the Sidak post hoc test. The level of significance was set at p < HeightWeightAge Table 1: Demographics of Subjects The recorded heart rates and fan interactions for baseline heart rate at 1 and 12 mins (BHR1: , BHR12: ), cooling fan, water, HR at 1 and 12 min (CFWHR1: , CFWHR: ), and heating fan HR at 1 and 12 min (HFHR1: , HFHR12: ) were not significant (p > 0.05). Only the cooling fan at min 1 and 12 (CFHR1: , CFHR12: ) was significantly better than passive recovery in lowering heart rate (p 0.05). Only the cooling fan, water (CFWTEMP1: , CFWTEMP12: ) was significantly better than passive recovery in lowering temperature between min 1 and 12 (p < 0.05). The results of this study clearly showed that the cooling fan with water spray recovery and the heating fan recovery no significant differences in lowering heart rate over that of a normal recovery. Only the cooling fan showed a significant decrease in heart rate which indicates that the cooling fan was a better way to decrease heart rate faster after high intensity intermittent exercise than a passive recovery alone. Also, the results showed that there were no significant differences between the cooling fan, and heating fan on lowering temperature during recovery as compared to the passive recovery. Only the cooling fan with water spray showed significant decreases in core temperature as compared to the passive recovery which indicates that the cooling fan with water spray was more effective in lowering core temperature after high intensity exercise than passive recovery alone.. * * Cooling fan with water is significantly better than passive cool down, p < 0.05 Figure 1 : Graph showing the interactions between temperature and each of the different cooling and heating fans during a 12 minute cool down following anaerobic exercise. * Cooling fan is significantly better than passive cool down, p < * Figure 2: Graph showing the interaction between heart rate and each of the different cooling and heating fans during a 12 minute cool down following anaerobic exercise,