Healthy Heart /hearthealth/ Feb. 1st - Feb. 28th (Heart Disease Awareness Month)
Mission Statement/Content Research: Why a heart section about women? Where do the ads go on the page? Who might buy into this section? Promote this section: Best practices Agenda
Mission Statement/Content
Nothing kills more women in America each year than Heart Disease. The sad part is, many people don't even realize it. During February, Heart Disease Awareness month, we hope use emotional, personal stories to encourage women to take action. This isn't just a section, it's a movement to fundamentally change how women view heart disease.
Content: This section will feature eight, personal emotional video vignettes of women who've survived heart disease. The videos will be grouped in an engaging interactive element. The section also includes dozens of feature stories about risk, research and prevention of heart disease in women in affiliation with the American Heart Association and Blood Lung Institute.
Research: Why a new year’s section?
Why focus on women? Since 1979, the death rate for heart disease in men has declined by more than 17 percent, but the death rate for women has declined by only 2.5 percent over this same period. In 2006, only 57 percent of women knew that heart disease was the most deadliest health risk in the U.S. A women's risk of heart disease increases each year she ages Heart disease kills more women than the next five causes of death combined More than 90 percent of primary care physicians don’t know that heart disease kills more women each year than men. (American Heart Association) "Women's Heart Disease" is searched on Google 26 times more than the term "Men's Heart Disease" each month (Google Adsense Keyword Tool)
Heart Stats Heart disease -- Deadlier than cancer If all forms of cancer were eliminated, life expectancy in the U.S. would raise by 3 years; if all forms of heart disease were eliminated, life expectancy in the U.S. would increase by 7 years Total direct and indirect costs of cancer in the U.S. in 2008 were estimated to be $219 billion; for heart diesease, that same stat for heart disease is $449 billion One out of eight U.S. women will get breast cancer in her life; one out of every four women will suffer from heart disease in her life (American Heart Association)
Heart Stats Heart disease -- America's #1 killer In 118 out of the last 119 years, heart disease has been the #1 cause of death among Americans In 2005, there were 81 million doctor's office visits related to heart disease Every 26 seconds an American suffers a coronary event; every minute an American dies from some form of heart disease Medical costs related in heart disease in America in 2005 were over $75 billion (American Heart Association)
Audience for this already on your site More than half of the visitiors to your site are women 1/3 of all the visitors to your site are women over 35 The average age of a women visiting your site is 44 (comScore Media Matrix)
Ad positions
Sponsorship Placements Advertisers have the opportunity to sponsor multiple features throughout the section, including: 1.) Sponsor logo in header graphic 2.) Sponsorship Wrapper ad (above and below the featured interactive) 3.) Flash video player (user-initiated) 4.) Standard IAB Units: Leaderboard and two Display ads 5.) Sponsor logo on promotional teaser widget (not shown) 6.) Pushdown (1x per week, not shown) Sponsor logo in header graphicSponsorship Wrapper adFlash video playerStandard IAB UnitsSponsor logo on promotional teaser widgetPushdown
Co-branded Video ad opportunities One 15-second TV Web driverOne 15-second TV Web driver (to run on-air) *IB will create one standard 15-second TV Web driver for this section to run as desired throughout TV Broadcast schedule. One 15-second pre-rollOne 15-second pre-roll (to run online) *IB will create one standard 15-second promotion video pre-roll for this section to run in House ad video inventory throughout the site. In both cases, IB will add the station and sponsor logo to the end of the promotion video, as well as voice the piece. Sponsorship placements and trafficking instructions will be followed as indicated per individual Webscan order. Video files will be delivered via FTP. Further customization of Web video pre- roll is available for an additional charge, please see your Campaign Specialist for more information.
Co-branded Video ad opportunities TV Web Driver
IAB promotional house ads *IB will create IAB house ads that can promote the section in House ad inventory throughout the site.IAB promotional house ads Sponsor logo placement will be available on the IAB promotional house ads. Please include sponsor logo and house ad scheduling information in Webscan order. Co-branded ad opportunities
Sponsorship Opportunities Health Systems Cardiac Specialists/Clinics Local American Heart Association Chapter Affiliated Women’s Wellness Associations Retail – Concentrated on Healthy Lifestyle Products Grocery – Whole Foods Smoking Cessation Programs Women’s Fitness Facilities
Promotion: Best practices
Station Effort to Drive Page Views Suggested news tease copy and video will be provided to editors for every story for Newscast consideration IB will make all eight of survivor videos in the section available for download in HD via FTP for stations to use in their newscasts as they see fit. Video will be posted in IB product catalog and links will be sent out on . Newsrooms are responsible for incorporating teases and b-roll into newscasts. IB-provided tease widget may be placed above the fold on station's front page. The content will be changed out daily by IB editors (station editor is responsible for placing widget). Schedule co-branded TV Web drivers, video pre-roll and promotional house ads on your air and on Web site
Local Editorial Content Stations are encouraged to add their own local, relevant editorial content to the section. Posting this content to the section is the responsibility of the station. We suggest the Managing Editor and the Internet sales manager discuss the role and placement of local content on the section early on in the process. The upper-right hand corner of the page is the suggested placement for local content.