The Body Mass Index in our Secondary Schools Presentation COMENIUS
The BMI over the 4 years of Secondary school Let’s make comparisons between our Comenius countries 1 Level 1 2 Level 2 4 Level 4 3 Level 3 Pipils aged Pupils aged Pupils aged Pupils aged 12-13
Level 1 Pupils aged BMI level 1- Boys and Girls BMI 1
There’s a big majority of obese children in France and Bulgaria (17-10%). The % of healthy pupils is between 53 and 75. In Slovakia, there is a great number of healthy children but the rate of overweight ones is also very high (34 %). In Turkey, there is a lot of underweight pupils (31%) while in France and Italy the % of obese and underweight ones reaches 28%. → In level 1 France is the country with the highest % of obese students.
There is little difference between boys and girls. There are slightly more obese pupils among the girls (11 % - 8 % for the boys) While there are more overweight pupils among the boys (21 %- 14 % for the girls)
2 Level 2 Pupils aged BMI level 2- Boys and Girls BMI
In Turkey 50% of pupils are underweight. In Slovakia, contrary to level 1, there are very few overweight and obese students and the % of healthy is very high (85%). We can notice a hight rate of obesity in Bulgaria (25%) and in France (16%). In Italy, the % of overweight children reaches 33 %. → In level 2, there is a marked fluctuation in the % of healthy pupils (from 85% down to 85).
There is still little difference between boys and girls.
3 Level 3 Pupils aged BMI level 3- Boys and Girls BMI
As can be seen, Bulgaria and Slovakia have rather similar graphs. In Turkey, the underweight category has disappeared while the rate of overweight and obese pupils has strongly increased (+ 12% and + 6%). In France the rate of obesity has decreased (- 7%) but the rate of overweight is higher (+ 10%) than in level 2. → In level 3, in Italy only 52% of the pupils are healthy. There is a dramatic increase in the % of obesity and overweight groups (+ 15%)
There is a significant increase in the % of overweight girls (x2 compared with level2). Nothing has really changed for the boys except the underweight category that has fallen from 15% in level 2 down to 4 % in level 3
4 Level 4 Pupils aged BMI level 4- Boys and Girls BMI
As can be seen, from graphs, a great number of pupils is healthy (from 56 up to 77%). In Slovakia and Italy, we can see a big proportion of overweight children (37-44%). → In level 4, unlikely to other countries, Bulgaria has got a very high % of obesity (15%).
Contrary to level 3, there is a great difference between boys and girls: 73% of the girls are healthy when it’s only 50% for the boys 21% of the girls are overweight when it’s 35% for the boys
In all countries, the majority of pupils are healthy (2 thirds). In Italy, Slovakia and Turkey, there’s a greater number of overweight children but there are few obese pupils. In France and Bulgaria we can find obesity over the 4 levels but less than 20% of the children are overweight. →Turkey is the country with the highest rate of underweight and the smallest rate of obesity.
Thank you for your attention. The End…