The Nexus of Art & Science Prof. Alejandro Garcia Fall 2007 Still Life With Einstein (2002, A.L. Garcia, Acrylic, 8"x 8")
My Contact Info Office:Science Bldg. Room 245 Office Phone: (408) Office Hours: Tuesdays, 11:30am-12:30am Thursdays, 10:30am-11:30am Web:
Peer Mentor Mr. Charles (Chuck) Pierce is the Peer Mentor for this MUSE seminar
Course Overview Nexus: A bond, link, or connection The artist and the scientist share many common traits, such as a curiosity with the world and a creative spirit. This course will examine a variety of topics for which these worlds of art and science overlap and complement each other.
Anatomy as a Nexus For centuries the painter and the biologist have both studied human anatomy. Leonardo da Vinci Thomas Eakins
Motion as a Nexus Artists and scientists can benefit by examining the nexus of the physical sciences with the world of art and design. An example is the study of motion for dance and animation. Thomas Eakins
Selected Course Topics Fractal worlds and Chaotic systems Motion and Dance The Two Forces of the Universe Dissecting the iPod Instruments, Musical & Scientific The Ear and the Brain Optics and Photography Making Color Dynamic Arts Design Arts Musical Arts Visual Arts
Student Survey Please fill out the anonymous survey so that I can get a sense of the composition of the class. Turn it in at the end of this class or next Tuesday.
Google Group Please join the following Google Group: Nexus_SJSU This group will be used for exchanging messages among ourselves. See Chuck if you need help joining the group.
Required Course Reader “The Nexus of Art & Science” Course Reader Available at the Associated Students’ Print Shop (next to Burger King/Cafeteria) No other books or workbooks are needed. Readings may also be found in books on reserve in King library.
First Reading Assignment For Tuesday, Aug. 28 th : Read “The Art & Science Dialogue” in Art and Science, by E. Strosberg, pages Be prepared to discuss this reading on Tuesday.
Grades Each counts 20% of your grade: First term paper (2-3 pages) Second term paper (2-3 pages) Oral presentation (10 minute) Homework Quizzes & in-class participation
Term Papers Two short term papers (2-3 pages) Must select a topic for your first paper by Tuesday, September 4 th First draft is due Thurs., Sept. 13 th First paper due Thurs., Sept. 27 th Possible topics and a sample term paper will be discussed next time Sample term paper may be downloaded from the course website
Oral Presentation One short oral presentation (10 minutes) Oral presentations by a third of the class on each of these dates: –September 27 th –November 6 th –December 4 th Dates when you give a presentation you won’t have a term paper due (and vice versa). May do your presentation on the same topic as one of your term papers.
Homework Homework assigned about once a week. No Late Homework. Late homework cannot be accepted since solutions presented soon after collected. May skip two homeworks without penalty. The final exam counts as two homeworks.
Attendance Will not be taking attendance. However… –You are responsible for all the material discussed in class. –No make-up for quizzes or in-class activities. –In-class participation counts. May miss two classes without penalty.
MUSE Workshops Your participation in the MUSE workshops and activities will affect your grade. Poor participation (attending fewer than two workshops) will drop you by a letter grade Documented, active participation may raise your course grade by half a letter grade.
First Set of MUSE Workshops
Cheating Don’t.
Next Lecture Nexus of Art & Science Remember: Visit course the website Join the Google Group Fill out the anonymous student survey First reading will be discussed on Tuesday