OLIVIA DAVIS Can Stem Cells Be Used To Grow Replacement Parts?
Tissue Engineering Tissue engineering is creating or fixing organs for the body from stem cells- which may be from the patient themselves or from a donor, pending on patient’s condition Research has been done for a long time
Beneficial Story Therese Blanda was diagnosed with leukemia. To cure her leukemia, the doctors, funded by CIRM, made sure to turn her stem cells into blood cells to save her life
Risk Story Eight children in a hospital in England received chemotherapy and dies about a month later. During chemotherapy, all immature and cancerous cells are wiped out. To prevent stem cells from dying, they are taken out of the body and frozen After being thawed out and replaced in body, the cells didn’t develop properly
Risks: Benefits: Can be invasive- patient could not survive dangerous procedure Stem cells might not develop properly in body If DNA is taken from patient, no rejection from the immune system Will help reduce number of people waiting for an organ It can put patients with cancer into remission Growing Replacements Parts from Stem Cells?
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