Teaching Methods & the Procedures
The Grammar-Translation Method (Classical Method) The Direct Method teacherstudentsteacherstudents 1Help with new words Read & translate (a few lines from the passage); ‘any Qs?’ Point to the part of the map on the board Read a sentence of a passage one by one 2 Comprehension questions (in English) Write the answers Read the Qs aloud & reply Q’s? (in English) Ask Q’s: (p.26)Answer in English 3 Vocabulary learning Help with the answers (p. 15) Exercise together by giving the Spanish equivalents Invite the students to ask questions; Correcting the s’s pronunciation Repeat after practic- ing the pronunciation 4 Voc. & grammar (applying rules) -ty, phrasal verbs Practice & Give the meaning in Spanish Teach prepositions Practice by reading & supplying the missing words 5 Qs to fill in the blanks; Irregular verbs Do the exercise & read the ans. aloud Memorize the verbs Give a dictation Dictate one paragraph about the geography of the US procedure
The Audio-Lingual MethodThe Silent Way teacherstudentsteacherstudents 1Presents a new dialogue Attentively listening (expected to memorize the dialogue) Points to five different blocks of color, without saying anything Watch 2 Instructions are given in English: repeat & listen one more time, Step by step procedure repeat after the teachertrying to understand all that the teacher is saying: Says / ɑ /, and taps the four other blocks Say /e/, /i/, / ɒ /, u/ 3 Models it: ask the s’s to mimic her model Role play; switch the roles Gesture asking to lengthen the vowel /e/ /ei/, /i:/, /ə ʋ /, /u:/ 4 Chain drill with four of the lines from the Dialogue: group by grp Practice to ask & answer the Qs Hands the pointer to a girl She points & the s’s respond 5Gives the s’s cue phraseRespond in chorus Show the s’s how to produce a new English sound In chorus, practice pronunciation 6Increase the complexitySubstitution drillsTaps the word chartSay ‘a pink rod’ 7Final review Repeat the dialogue of the day Command in gestures Take turns tapping out the sentences procedure
DesuggestopediaCommunty Language Learning teacherstudentsTeacherStudents 1 Greets in Arabic and makes the students feel comfortable - Feel less inhibited, comfortable, and have self- confidence Introduces himself; tells what they will be doing that evening in Indonesian Introduce themselves 2 Tells the students to pick new new English names and create an imaginary identity Choose a profession to go with the new name, with the help of the teacher’s pantomime Will not participate in the conversation; will help them say in English; give them English translation Raise a hand, and say what they want to say in Indonesian; try to follow after the teacher’s English translation 3 Greets the students with their new names and asks them a few questions about their new occupation; teach how to greet in English Reply ‘yes’ or ‘no’; understand the clear meaning through the teacher’s action After the conversation has ended, sits in the circle and asks them how they feel about the experience in Indonesian Reply that they don’t remember any English but that they enjoyed the conversation 4 Distributes a 20-page handout; two columns—one in English, the other in Arabic translation; vocabulary & grammar points in Arabic; 20 page reproduction of classical paintings Follow along with the voice of the teacher reading to some music--Mozart; stand & repeat after the teacher, enjoying the translation; then have a break Play the recorded conversation of the students; Repeat playing the tape sentence by sentence Try to recall what they said 5 Read the dialogue again; finish the class & ask them to read the dialogue once before going to bed and once in the morning Just listen to the dialogue, listening to Handel’s Water Mlusic Writes the conversation on the board;English & Indonesian translation; Play the ‘Human Computer’ Raise a hand and ask the teacher to help them; teacher helps them standing behind them; work in groups of three procedure
Total Physical ResponseCommunicative Language Teaching teacherstudentsteacherstudents 1 Introduces the methods in Swedish Just listen to the teacher & do as he/she does Greets & distribute a handout; a sports column on one side—the last World Cup competition Read (teacher directs in English) & underline the predictions 2 Acts to his/her words, ‘stand up’, ‘sit down’, etc. Four volunteers follows the teacher’s example Writes what they have found on the board Read the 1 st sentence and try to paraphrase it 3 Commands, remaining seated Respond Ask them to turn the page to the other side; all the article but in disorder Unscramble the sentences 4 Practices the same with ‘Point to the door/destk/book…’ Follow after the teacher Asks them to make groups of five each Play the card game and practice the conversation 5 Has the students respond to her; varies the sequence of command Follow her order Divides the class into groups of three; gives them a picture strip Practice story telling 6 Writes the new commands on the board, each time the teacher acts it Copy the sentences; no one spoke; but a few weeks later, they could command Leads them to do a role play, boss & the employees Perform their role- play for 10 min.
Content-based InstructionTask-based Language Teaching teacherstudentsteacherstudents 1Puts a globe on the desk Say what they know about it Timetable; draws the columns & rows on the board Repond with the answers to fill in the table 2 Record their answers, supplying the missing language; Distributes a handout; Learn vocabulary on the handout; read the cloze-passage Divides the class into eight roups of five students Discuss & complete the week’s schedule Write on the board 3Show them the video Watch the video; fill in the remaining blanks; pair up to check the answers Ask them to discuss their favorite subjects Write up the schedule on the board 4 Calls attention to a particular verb pattern on the passage Learn the present passive Collects the schedule & will return it tomorrow Design a survey; go around the room & interview the students 5 Latitude & longitude to be used to locate place in the world Raise a hand & stateGives them another task Summarize and report the results 6Suggests a dictogloss Listen the main idea first; for details the 2 nd time; discuss their drafts