Objectives Raise awareness/ challenge our own thinking and understanding of how we make sense of our international practice,ie explore why we do, what we do and for what purpose!!! Identify and articulate what ’guides’ our international practice and does this practice have an ethical context? EXPLORE RECRUITMENT OF PARTICIPANTS AND FEEDBACK FOR MY RESEARCH
Practice Questions Question- How do Social Workers generally understand, make sense of their international practice? How do I understand the context in which I practice? and can I adjust to local conditions? How can I justify my practice? Do I understand ‘otherness’ in relation to my practice? Do I understand my international practice, and can I ‘better understand ‘my practice’? Who benefits from my practice?
Practice Questions What and who guides my international practice? Do I ‘hold true’ to my social work values while working in an international context and how do I ‘hold true’ to these values’? What ‘guides’ my international social work practice and does this practice have a ethical context ? I put this question to all social worker’s generally, in particular to Australian social workers, as my research is particularly focused on Australian social workers.
Social work Values ‘Social work grew out of humanitarian and democratic ideals, and it’s values are based on respect for the equality, worth, and dignity of all people. Since it’s beginnings over a century ago, social work practice has focused on meeting human needs and developing human potential. Human rights and social justice serve as the motivation and justification for social work action. In solidarity with those who are disadvantaged, the profession strives to alleviate poverty and to liberate vulnerable and oppressed people in order to promote social inclusion. Social work values are embodied in the profession’s national and international code of ethics’.(IFSW 2000)
Social work practice ‘Social work practice is informed by professional education on an analysis and understanding of human behaviour and of complex social processes. It accepts a commitment to working within a staged value position and code of ethics. An integral part of the education of each social worker is the demonstration in practice setting of this analysis, understanding and commitment’. (Australian Association of Social work Education and Accreditation Standards 2008)
International social work definition For the purpose of this study, Hugman(2010) brings fresh perspectives and captures the questions to be addressed in this research. Hugman highlights the multifaceted nature of international social work, perhaps one of the most important messages from Hugman’s work is how international social work is important for all social workers as it highlights the question of social work as a response to ‘others’.
International practice In light of the globalised world, it is my perception there is an increasing number of social work practitioners, interested in venturing ‘offshore’, in search of meaningful and purposeful social work experiences (ie wanting to make a difference to the lives of others, in search of adventure and challenges to their professional careers and personal lives etc). International Social work opportunities may result in social worker’s working as Volunteers, Consultant’s, Project workers, Trainers, Community Development Worker’s etc ( paid /unpaid),others.
International practice In light of social work practitioner’s interest in international practice, questions arise as to whether there is a need for Australian Social Workers, to consider their international practice accountability when working with individual, families, communities they service, as well as to their membership associations/registered bodies. Issues such as the following need to be addressed – ‘Harm’ to others Professional accountability Best Practice standards
Barriers/Challenges As an academic, practitioner and International consultant, I continue to observe the practice of other social workers, and that of my own practice, in relation to the impact of structural barriers such as- -political, environmental, social, cultural, economic context - language barriers - health issues - professional isolation -work load pressures/organisational systems issues etc
Barriers/challenges Practice decision making, practice efforts, practitioner’s personal /professional motivation/agendas, can impacts significantly on practitioner’ ability to manage the complexities, dilemmas of their international practice.
Social work practice examples Breach of Confidentiality Child abuse issues Taking of other’s intellectual property and claiming of their own Loss of professional boundaries, ie sexual relationships between practitioner and client Lack of transparency of practice with agency, clients, community Unprofessional behaviour, ie verbal and physical behaviours displayed ‘Expert’ model, lack of recognition of ‘nationals’ expertise in the field.
AASW Code of ethics/IFSW Currently, Australian trained practitioners are guided by the AASW Code of ethics and generally by the IFSW principles, for their international practice guidelines. Currently, questions and discussions have been raised with the AASW Ethics committee, in assessing and addressing the possible need for greater clarity and transparency within the Code of ethics and IFSW for accountable international practice.
International accountable social work practice My research…………………………… Problem-Where there may be a lack of understanding by practitioners, there could be/ can be outcomes, which could be/are antagonistic, (complisate, oppressive, discriminatory, unjust practice) to social work values and to ‘others’. - Question- How do Australian social worker’s practice internationally? and how can they ‘better understand’ the nature of their international practice? - Who are practitioner’s accountable for their practice and what ‘guides’ their practice?
Practitioner’s provided with greater clarity/ transparency of ethical practice response accountability. Capacity build social worker’s cross- cultural indigenous knowledge and skills( local and international) Recommendations for Best Practice in international social work practice Is there an ethical context to Australian international social work practice? -How did s/w deal with the complexities of their practice in relation to practice decision making, practice efforts, motivation, Challenges etc- practice wisdom, experiences, knowledge, ethics, other? ?) What brought s/w into the international field ? What guides their practice?
Research Conceptual Framework Knowledge DescriptionGuidesResponsesReflections
Relevance and Importance of Study The research will provide evidence of Australian social worker’s practice experiences and identify what ‘guides’ social workers’ international practice. To identify the barriers, tensions and issues facing Australian international social worker’s practice. Identify/explore strategies which may assist worker’s to “better understand” their international practice.
Relevance and Importance of Study Explore relevant ethical accountable bodies and agencies, support of Australian social worker’s practice. Contributions to the field of both social work and international social work ie, capacity building in the field of international practice, education and research. Support and strengthen international NGO welfare agencies/Govt/religious agencies’ employment requirements, (ie, greater clarification of worker’s role/position descriptions, agencies codes of conduct through evidence based ethical documentation).
Relevance and Importance of Study Practitioner’s provided with greater clarity/ transparency of practice response accountability. Capacity build social worker’s cross-cultural indigenous knowledge and skills( local and international) Recommendations for Best Practice in international social work practice.
Best Practice ‘Everything that is, could be otherwise’- Germaine Greer (1998) By this statement I mean, ‘lets be accountable for our practice, lets strive for Best Practice by developing a better understanding,( how we understand what we do and why we do it), practice by developing a greater awareness and articulation of what ‘guides’ our international practice.