Designing Tests and Paper Questions
A Task Write down a recent test question or paper topic you used Finish this sentence stem: “The most important thing I want students to learn from being in this class is…
Math Example Understand certain math functions Tests focused on getting the right answer Solution Do the problem And explain what they did and why
Sociology Example Intro Class for Non-Majors Goal: “Be able to apply sociological analysis to what they see around them.” Evaluation Tools Mid term and final with multiple choice questions Term paper
Solution “Sociological Analysis” journal as main assignment Apply concepts to what seen Summarize sociological perspective Include detailed observations Link theories and observations
Creating Objective Tests Blueprint Key concepts in crafting questions General guidelines Review
Basic Objective Test Formats Multiple Choice Stems Options Distracters True-False Matching Completion/fill in the blank
Objective Tests That Ask for Higher Order Thinking Rewriting question Interpretive Exercises MC question with written explanation why
Warnings Higher order questions hard to write Many faculty mistake recall for higher order One check – if answer can be found in text, not higher order
Objective Tests As Teaching Tool Small MC test for minimal (if any) points Use as way of helping students see their level of comprehension Help professor see areas of confusion Springboard for deeper conversation
Essay and Papers Do I want students to be able to organize information and produce a coherent analysis? Do I want to be able to use a variety of written assignments?
In Class Essays versus Papers What fits your goal?
Writing Questions/Prompts Blueprint (again) Write Central to what covered so expected Reflect Central to what I want them to learn Appropriate level of difficulty Do it yourself Can I expect them to see this; did we do enough
Freedom – Restricted v. Extended “Explain how Kennedy’s assassination affected passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act” “What two factors were most significant in the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act
Scaffolding “How does an internal combustion engine work?” “Explain the functions of fuel, carburetor, distributor, and the operation of the cylinder’s components in making an internal combustion engine run.”
Choice on Questions to Write On More consistent evaluation if no choice of topic Choice improves chance of interest and hence quality
A Few More Suggestions Length of assignment proportional Make point value clear Make expectations clear(er) Rubrics Old papers “Good answer” to topic as class session
Examples of Types of Essay/Paper Topics