Recycling and Waste Prevention at San Jose State University Terri L. Ramirez Integrated Waste Management, Recycling & Moving Services Specialist Facilities Development & Operations (FD&O) San Jose State University (408)
2/16/09 Recycling and Waste Prevention at SJSU Ramirez AB939 Known as the Integrated Waste Management Act Required reduction of waste sent to landfill by local jurisdictions (Cities and counties) Mandated waste diversion rates of 25% by 1995 and 50% by 2000 Non compliance could result in fines on $10,000 per day
2/16/09 Recycling and Waste Prevention at SJSU Ramirez – AB75 Mandates that State agencies comply with AB 939 diversion requirements Develop an integrated waste management plan Develop an integrated waste management plan Divert 25% of waste generated by 2002 and 50% by 2004 Appoint a recycling coordinator Report annually on program implementation and diversion rates
2/16/09 Recycling and Waste Prevention at SJSU Ramirez Other policies/statutes affecting recycling/waste management at state agencies: Executive Order W-7-91 PCC Sections – PCC PRC 42560–42562 PRC California State Administration Manual Chapter 1990
2/16/09 Recycling and Waste Prevention at SJSU Ramirez SJSU waste diversion rates for the last five years: 2004=59.4% 2005=50.0% 2006=59.2% 2007=68.3 % 2008=79.3 % (approximately)
2/16/09 Recycling and Waste Prevention at SJSU Ramirez SJSU AB75 Yearly Report View reports dating back to 2000 at: View reports dating back to 2000 at:
2/16/09 Recycling and Waste Prevention at SJSU Ramirez SJSU 2008 AB75 Report Total Waste Land filled (tons)1,440 Recycling/Composting (tons): –Cardboard 45 –Mixed Paper 123 –Scrap Metal 45 –Scrap Wood 28 –C&D Waste 312 –Beverage Containers 90 –Plastics 1 –White/Brown Goods 12 –Items processed at MRF 3,576 –Composting (at hauler’s site) 667 Total Recycling/Composting:4,899
2/16/09 Recycling and Waste Prevention at SJSU Ramirez SJSU 2008 AB75 Report (continued) Other diversion from landfill (tons): –Business Source Reduction 4 –Material Exchange 36 –Grasscycling 592 Total Other Diversion: 632 Total Recycling/Composting 4,899 Total Diversion From Landfill 5,531
2/16/09 Recycling and Waste Prevention at SJSU Ramirez SJSU 2008 AB75 Report (continued) Total Land filled 1,440 tons + Total Diverted 5,531 tons = Total Waste Generated 6,971 tons Total Diverted/Total Waste 5,531 tons/6,971 tons = 79.3% Diversion Rate
2/16/09 Recycling and Waste Prevention at SJSU Ramirez Universal Waste Batteries (all types) Hard Drives Laptops Mobile (cell) phones Paint Monitors (CRT, Plasma, LCD) Televisions (CRT, Plasma, LCD Personal Computers (CPUs, keyboards, mouse, speakers, peripherals) Fluorescent tubes and Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs) Used Oil/Antifreeze
2/16/09 Recycling and Waste Prevention at SJSU Ramirez SJSU’s 2008 Universal Waste Quantities Recycled Electronic Waste 39.3 tons Batteries.94 tons Auto Batteries 61 (each) Fluorescent Tubes 46,648 linear feet Used Auto Oil 600 gallons Used drained oil filters (1) 55 gallon drum Used Antifreeze 40 gallons Old/unusable paint 150 gallons
2/16/09 Recycling and Waste Prevention at SJSU Ramirez Recent Enhancement to SJSU’s Waste Management program Green Waste Recovery Inc. New Waste Hauler as of May 1 st, All Waste is now sorted at their MRF (Material Recovery Facility) –“Clean” MRF line for Mixed Recycling –“Dirty” MRF line for Waste Anticipated 2009 diversion rate over 80%
2/16/09 Recycling and Waste Prevention at SJSU Ramirez
New/Pending Legislation SB 1016 – The Disposal Measurement System Act 0f 2008 (New) SB 25 – SB 25 would increase the required diversion rate to 75% (Pending) SB 44 – This bill would abolish the CIWMB (Pending)
2/16/09 Recycling and Waste Prevention at SJSU Ramirez QUESTIONS?