Priorities of the Luxembourgish EUPAN Presidency EUPAN Troïka Secretariat Meeting Luxembourg, 7 th July 2015
Topics in the field of HRM Luxembourg, 7 th July Medium Term Plan for the European Public Administration Network (EUPAN) (1 July 2015 – 31 December 2015) Enhancing Institutional Capacity and Ensuring an Efficient Public Administration for Sustainability, Social Cohesion, Economic Growth and Labour Market Focus: Future role of Public Administration: open and efficiency-oriented Innovative and open public administration to build trust and sustain Innovative and open public administration to build trust and sustain integrity integrity One big HRM priority: Innovation-enhancing HRM policies and practices
Topics in the field of HRM Luxembourg, 7 th July Innovation- enhancing HRM Policies and Practices Theme 1: Better understanding how HRM can contribute to innovation, analysis of inspiring practices Theme 2: Innovation through an effective management of a more diverse workforce
Topics in the field of HRM Luxembourg, 7 th July Theme 1: How can HRM contribute to innovation: Presentation of an integrated organizational model - European comparative study about major European trends and challenges (IDHEAP, LIST) - Making use of already existing initiatives (e.g. EPSA, OPSI, EPSIS) - Integrated model linking HRM to PSD (IDHEAP, LIST) - Description of 5 inspiring HRM practices (EIPA) Theme 2: Enhancing innovation through an effective management of a more diverse workforce (age and gender) -OECD survey + analytical paper: ‘Effectively responding to the HRM needs of a more diverse public administration’
How do we want to present the key themes? Luxembourg, 7 th July Presentation of evidence-based knowledge grounded in in- depth research; Stimulation of learning and exchange of experiences through interactive working in small groups; Analysis of inspiring HRM practices and approaches from real life.
Topics in the field of PSD Luxembourg, 7 th July Medium Term Plan for the European Public Administration Network (EUPAN) (1 July 2015 – 31 December 2015) Enhancing Institutional Capacity and Ensuring an Efficient Public Administration for Sustainability, Social Cohesion, Economic Growth and Labour Market Focus: Future role of Public Administration: open and efficiency-oriented Innovative and open public administration to build trust and sustain Innovative and open public administration to build trust and sustain integrity integrity One big IPSG priority: PSD practices fostering innovation capabilities
Topics in the field of PSD Luxembourg, 7 th July PSD practices fostering innovation capabilities Theme 1: Better understanding how PSD can contribute to innovation, analysis of inspiring practices Theme 2: Innovation and new forms of PSD Trust and Privacy
Topics in the field of PSD Luxembourg, 7 th July Theme 1: How can PSD contribute to innovation: Presentation of an integrated organizational model - European comparative study about major European trends and challenges (IDHEAP, LIST) - Making use of already existing initiatives (e.g. EPSA, OPSI, EPSIS) - Integrated model linking HRM to PSD (IDHEAP, LIST) - Description of 5 inspiring PSD practices (EIPA) Theme 2: Security policies and data protection in an environement of innovative forms of service delivery - CTIE comparative study: Analysis of security and data protection policies in the fiels of commnunication between citizens and public administration
How do we want to present the key themes? Luxembourg, 7 th July Presentation of evidence-based knowledge grounded in in- depth research; Stimulation of learning and exchange of experiences through interactive working in small groups; Analysis of inspiring PSD practices and approaches from real life.
DISPA Priorities Luxembourg, 7 th July Starting from the principal themes of the Luxembourgish presidency. INAP (National Institute of Public Administration) wants to align and interlock the Luxembourgish presidency’s and DISPA’s agenda on quality. THE QUESTION FOR INAP IS: How can we (the training institutes and schools) contribute to improve quality in public administration? Innovative, high quality and open public administration to build trust and sustain integrity and assure a performing public service 10
DISPA Priorities – Outline Luxembourg, 7 th July Why is quality crucial in training? What we do today and how we can improve tomorrow. Relevance of quality in public administration and why quality matters in training Reinforcing competencies through high quality training Detecting training needs and adjusting training on the needs in order to get a better knowledge transfer How do we implement quality in training?
Luxembourgish EUPAN Presidency Luxembourg, 7 th July Schedule EventDate EUPAN Troïka Secretariat Meeting7 th July th Quality Conference1 st & 2 nd October 2015 EUPAN HRWG / IPSG Meeting15 th & 16 th October 2015 Meeting of the Directors of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration 26 th & 27 th October 2015 EUPAN Directors General & Troïka Meeting 16 th November 2015 E-Government Conference30 th November + 1 st /2 nd December th Meeting of EUPAN Directors General 3 rd & 4 th December 2015
Thank you for your attention!
EUPAN Troïka Secretariat Meeting Presentation of the Luxembourgish EUPAN Team Luxembourg, 7 th July 2015
EUPAN Team 15 Mr. Guy Wagener Head of Luxembourgish EUPAN Presidency Team Mrs. Danielle Bossaert HRWG Mr. Jean-Claude Olivier IPSG Mr. Marc Baesch Event organization Mrs. Anne-Catherine Lorrang HRWG / Event organization Mr. Bob Greis IPSG / Event organization
Thank you for your attention! 16