Sponsored By: Dustless Technologies How To Position Your Business To Take Advantage of the RRP Rule’s Expansion Presented By: Burt Olhiser, Principal Vantage.


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Presentation transcript:

Sponsored By: Dustless Technologies How To Position Your Business To Take Advantage of the RRP Rule’s Expansion Presented By: Burt Olhiser, Principal Vantage Point Consulting

So What’s This Market? Restoration of Historic Properties –Usually Public Funding Source Renovation of Private Homes –Usually Private Funding Source Renovation of Historic Properties For Modern Uses –Both Public & Private Funding Sources

Basic Business Abilities Need to pay prevailing wages and so do certified payrolls. –Because the Davis Bacon Act applies whenever $2,000 or more of public funds are used Contractors must be able to satisfy the EPA’s RRP rule requirements. Contractors must also be able to satisfy mandates of OSHA’s Lead in Construction standard.

Possible Regulatory Needs In a few locales you may also need to meet “Abatement” standards. Federally, abatement is defined not by the work but by the intent of the project as is defined by the contract and/or the project specifications. Some states though have modified the abatement definitions scope to include non-abatement intended work, so check with your local authorities.

Summary of EPA’s RRP Rule The EPA’s RRP (Remodeling, Renovation and Painting) rule required contractors beginning in April 2010; Who disturb 6sf at the interior or 20sf at the exterior of pre 1978 homes or child occupied facilities to; –Be an EPA certified firm -- to do this one needs to complete an application and pay a $300 fee, certification is good for 5 yrs. –Have certified renovator(s) supervise these projects. This requires they attend a one day training that costs $200 to $300, this certification is also good for 5 years.

Summary of the EPA’s RRP Rule Expansion Plans EPA settled a lawsuit with several public interest groups. In the settlement they agreed to: –Propose by October 2009 & finalize by April 2010 Elimination of the “opt out” provision in the rule, As well as adding a very onerous requirement that requires renovators to provide post renovation information to the homeowner. –Both changes were effective July 6, 2010.

Just A Bit More on the Expansion By April 2010 (final rule by July 2011) –Require work area wipe clearance testing after heat gun use, window/door replacement, scraping 60sf or removing 40lf or more of trim, and when some other typical renovation activities are done. Expand the scope of the rule to include public & commercial buildings. For exteriors by the end of For interiors within the next five years. –NPRM’s (notice of proposed rule making) signed April 23, 2010, published May Comments currently being taken.

Wow Is That It ??? For now yes – however… Current dust levels are being challenged by advocacy groups. Floors are now 40µg/ft2 –Advocates want 10µg/ft2 Window sills are now 250µg/ft2 –Advocates want 100µg/ft2 Definition of lead-based paint is also being challenged, it’s now 5,000ppm lead. –Advocates want it at 600pm. More:

OSHA Compliance 40 CFR Training of all crews Blood testing of all crews Site specific plans for each job Personal Protective Equipment Air Monitoring (best by 3 rd party) Showers if over PEL 50µg/m3 Handwash Station Always

Structural Requirements Summary Pay Local Prevailing Wage Scale Documentation With Certified Payrolls Know and Satisfy RRP Requirements Know and Satisfy OSHA Requirements

What About Trade Skills I’m assuming that participants have been painting for a while. If not, I strongly advise that you wait until you’ve done so and gained a good grasp on basic skills before entering this market, otherwise, it will eat you alive. An axiom one of my mentors gave me is; “I never lost money on a job I didn’t get.” It reminded me to always bid to make profit, and to not stray too far from my comfort zone, and when forced to do so to bid that work higher than usual.

What About Trade Skills If you want to enhance your skills check out IPTW (International Preservation Trade Workshops. –Hosted by PTN (Preservation Trades Network) –Local craftsmen who teach can also be an asset; A good start is with Duffy Hoffman

Some More On Trade Skills If you aren’t already a member, join local trade associations who have dinner meetings and then attend regularly. You will benefit by; networking so you can combine resources on larger projects, you will learn from your peers, and its an opportunity to give something back to your industry. Relevant Trade Associations : – – –

What About Equipment Garden & Small Spray Bottles Firms must have at least one HEPA vacuum and an array of dustless tools that attach to it. –Because no single tool or method works in all cases! –Some dustless tools & vacuums

Chemical Stripping Along with hand and power tool work practices chemical stripping skills are needed. No single stripper works in all instances, try various formulas and chemistries before you select one.

What About Demand? Firms who can do this work and are skilled are in demand in every city of our nation. The upside to lead regulations is that they create demand for firms who can handle these complexities. Profit margins are healthy.

How’re Projects Found? Contact Architectural Firms Who Specialize in Historical Preservation. Market To Upscale Older Neighborhoods and Realtors Who Service That Market.

How’re Projects Found? Contact Your Local National Parks Service, Your City and County Agencies As Well. Sign Up For Bid Notification Services That Advertise These Types of Jobs. Join a Bid Depository (Builders Exchange)

Some Final Thoughts Don’t bid this work cheap, better to lose a few jobs because your outrageously high. Than to win some because your outrageously low. Public agencies must take the low bid. If you bid to make profits and get the jobs you’ll do great as the work’s hard but it is sure a lot of fun.