From Military Engagements to Engagement Rings Tracing The Path of Conflict Diamonds From Modifications made by Mrs. Jarmer.


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Presentation transcript:

From Military Engagements to Engagement Rings Tracing The Path of Conflict Diamonds From Modifications made by Mrs. Jarmer

Where Are Diamonds Found? Industrial Mining Alluvial Mining (river beds and streams) Most of the diamond deposits currently mined in places such as Sierra Leone and Angola are alluvial, requiring only a shovel, a pan, and hard labor to mine.

The Origin of the Diamond Mystique Diamonds were first discovered in India in the 4 th Century BCE. The first recorded diamond engagement ring was given to the Duchess of Burgundy in 1477, though the tradition of exchanging wedding rings dates back to the 2nd century BCE.

“A Diamond is Forever” Diamond engagement rings were not common until 1947, when De Beers launched its famous “A Diamond Is Forever” marketing campaign in the United States. A similar campaign ran in Japan in the 1960s, fundamentally altering the Japanese courtship ritual.

“A Diamond is Forever” Other goals of the campaign were to convince people that… Diamonds are rare Diamonds are so meaningful that they can never be parted with A man must spend at least one month’s salary to buy an engagement ring Diamonds are the only way to express true love

“A Diamond is Forever” Around the same time, De Beers began encouraging jewelers to loan diamonds to Hollywood stars for prestigious events, solidifying the diamond’s association with wealth, power, prestige, and celebrity.

Red Carpet “Bling”

The Illusion of Scarcity Scarcity = High Demand and High Prices

The Illusion of Scarcity Through its enormous wealth, power, and influence, De Beers is able to buy large amounts of diamonds whenever countries attempt to flood the market. Because of De Beers, the price of diamonds has remained steady despite civil wars and conflict. The average diamond ring, for example, is marked up 100% to 200%.

Easily Exploitable Resource In areas such as Sierra Leone where alluvial mining allows easy access to quality rough diamonds, this artificially high price has encouraged rebels to take control of diamond mining areas in hopes of making a quick and substantial profit. Rebel groups such as the RUF (the Revolutionary United Front), force civilians to mine for diamonds.

Diamonds Fund Conflicts Rebel groups use the profits from the sale of diamonds, upwards of $300 million a year, to buy more small arms and supplies so that they can sustain their military endeavors. In the past decade, over 6 million people from Sierra Leone, Angola, Liberia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo have become refugees after being forced from their homes by diamond fueled conflict. Millions more have died in diamond related conflicts over the past decade.

Conflict Diamonds Increase Human Rights Abuses Rebel cruelty in many conflict areas is well documented, and includes the abduction and training of child soldiers, amputation, abduction of males as diamond mine workers, and the use of rape as a tool of war. Diamond profits allow for prolonged conflict and increased human rights abuses in conflict areas. Although UN arms embargoes and the Kimberley Process have reduced the numbers, the illegal sale of diamonds remains a profitable business.

Conflict Free Diamonds? Because diamonds are small and easy to transport, it is difficult to track all diamonds leaving a given country. Diamonds from conflict regions are often mixed with legitimate diamonds and certified as conflict free.

The American Love Affair With Diamonds The United States is the largest market for diamond jewelry, buying up nearly half of the $56 billion in diamonds sold last year.

Diamonds are for Everyone Current ad campaigns in the United States are reaching out to new target audiences, including hip hop artists.

International Initiative: The Kimberley Process In 2003, the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, a joint initiative developed by governments, the international diamond industry, and civil society, was introduced to help stem the flow of conflict diamonds. The Kimberley Process is a voluntary initiative that requires participants to certify that shipments of rough diamonds are conflict free.

The Perfect Solution? While the Kimberley Process has not solved the problem of conflict diamonds, it has reduced the amount of conflict diamonds sold into the open market. Currently, violence funded by conflict diamonds is escalating in Cote D’Ivoire, proving there are serious loopholes in the Kimberley Process.

Just to Clarify… Conflict Diamonds: diamonds mined in a war zone and sold illegally to finance the war efforts of rebel groups, resulting in prolonged conflict and increased human rights abuses.