Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Scientific Information authors authors ºwant to publish more readers readers ºwant to read less
The Value of Availability Hans E. Roosendaal
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Vision global, federated network global, federated network ºrepositories of information research, education and managementresearch, education and management –white, grey or black focus: open focus: open students, teachers, researchers
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Engines for change availability use availability use ºICT developments in developments in researchresearch educationeducation
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Functions registration archiving certification awareness external internal author, direct reader, indirect
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Parsons goal attainment adaptation integration latency external internal consummatory instrumental
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Functions registration archiving certification awareness external internal author, direct reader, indirect
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Vision global, federated network global, federated network ºrepositories of information research, education and managementresearch, education and management –white, grey or black focus: open focus: open
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Observations institutional repositories institutional repositories ºresearch and HE institutions ºknowledge-intensive organisations & companies integration of information integration of information ºin working processes
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Acceptance sufficient critical mass sufficient critical mass different value chains possible different value chains possible ºorganisational models ºbusiness models ºlegal models cohesive and coherent network
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Stakeholders return on investment return on investment ºeach stakeholder: own currencies of exchange
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Currencies of exchange power money influence value external internal consummatory instrumental
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Stakeholders return on investment return on investment ºeach stakeholder: own currencies of exchange strategy based on vision strategy based on vision ºshared at high level ºmaximum flexibility high level strategy
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February High level strategy interest interest ºall stakeholders single focus: USER ºauthor/reader learners, researchers, teachers and studentslearners, researchers, teachers and students ºcomprehensive approach to USER behaviour
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Goal widespread use of network ensure that architecture will serve needs stakeholders stakeholders ºuniversities & knowledge institutions research, teaching and librariesresearch, teaching and libraries ºpublishers
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Registration & archiving universities universities ºintegrated information environment e-learninge-learning e-publishing and e-archivinge-publishing and e-archiving ºnetwork of institutions network of repositoriesnetwork of repositories institution-independent entitiesinstitution-independent entities international organisationinternational organisation availability use
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Market Higher Education demand driven demand driven º“regular” students: bachelor º“Wanderstudenten”: masters ºdistance learning: selective º“CPD”: alumni, professionals differentiation in supply differentiation in supply
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Publishing function facilitating/aggregating facilitating/aggregating ºfrom production and distribution access and linking °branding of certified material °from different repositories °assistance to certification international international
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Structure federated network federated network ºrepositories ºarchives federated ownership governance
Hans E. Roosendaal, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February Conclusions create optimum conditions for availability create optimum conditions for availability ºdevelop and test new value chains all stakeholdersall stakeholders new conditions universitynew conditions university –international development in education how can we get this done? how can we get this done? ºa governance issue ºhigh level strategy as strategic instrument?