1 Active citizens combating youth unemployment” Active citizens combating youth unemployment” “JobNet”International conference ROMANIA FACTS AND FIGURES November, November, 2013 Eger, Hungary
3 Total unemployement rate: 7% years old – 8,4% empolyment rate (half of the European average) years old – 22,7% unemployment rate years old – 8,6% unemployement rate Significant regional differences for age group: Highest unemployment rates in Center, (36%) South Muntenia South –East Regions – over 25% Lowest unemployment rates in North-East Region – 11%
4 43,3% of the unemployed persons between years old are long term unemployed (over 12 months) NEETs youth: 20,3% (2012), increasing from 13,3% in 2007, with a higher percentage within the higher educated youth. The average length of time between graduation and 1 st job is 10 months
5 Access to labour market occurs later and the income is lower Romania has the highest poverty level of employed youth between years old: 30,7% are poor (as compared to 19% of total population and 11,2% European average) One of the most vulnerable groups: youth working in the informal sector, particularly in subsistance agriculture: -Over 40% are young persons between years old - 19 % of total population working in the informal sector are young persons between 15-24% (as compared to 9-13% of the other age groups)
6 Inflexible labour market, that doesn't not allow flexible working contracts, to allow going to school in parallel with a job: - 17,3% of employed youth between years old have a part time job, as compared with 28,9% European average - 3,1% have a temporary job, as compared to 42,1% European average - 3,1% have a temporary job, as compared to 42,1% European average
7 REASONS FOR HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT RATE Low education level School drop-out: 17,5% for age group High costs for going to school (55% of young people that as an impediment) Discrepancy between school qualifications and labor market needs Lack of trust in the efficiency of the vocational training courses or reconversion programs, and in the fact that attending those could improve their access on the labor market
8 Lack of work experience makes them vulnerable in the competition with other workers (59% of the employers cannot afford hiring young people without work experience). FROM EMPLOYERS’PERSPECTIVE: Today’s young generation is less motivated to work as years ago young people demand too high salaries (71%) Young people are not willing to accept jobs below their qualifications (65%).
9 ENTREPRENEURSHIP 27% of Romania’s youth declare they want to start a business 1 of 100 young people decides to start a business (as compared to 1 of 4 in Poland or Hungary Reasons for low number of start up business: lack of money; bureaucracy; low level of entrepreneurial education: less than 10% of the young people who start a business have entrepreneurial education, as compared with the 30% EU average; Negative perception of the career success factors 47% believe “connections and social position” are preconditions for success.
10 Policies for reducing youth unemployment Granted subsidies to employers who employ graduates. The subsidy is granted for 12 months (18 months for graduates with disabilities), and varies on education level graduated Employers are exempt for 12 months from paying the social contributions for unemployment for persons hired on open ended contracts Job Fairs for graduates Prevention of social exclusion of youth (Law 116/2002) Access to vocational training Information and career counseling Apprenticeship (law under modification) Support for seasonal work during vacation (Law 72/2002) European Social Fund projects
11 EXAMPLES OF BEST PRACTICE Vocational training: Romanian-German Foundation, Timisoara in partnership with Hornbach network 115 persons trained as technicians in commerce Training delivered by the Romanian-German Foundation, internationally certified by the German Chamber of Commerce 115 trained persons hired by Hornbach network Introducing career counseling and simulated enterprises in schools
12 Center for Rural Assistance – Regional Center for Rural Entrepreneurship - Network of 6 Job Clubs in Western Romania (information, carreer councelling, self marketing skills); - Training in entrepreneurial skills; -Mentoring/coaching for business plans development; -Support for starting up the business -Support for accessing start up funds -Training in crafts production
13 FUNDING OPPORTUNITY FOR TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION ON LABOUR MARKET INTEGRATION European Social Fund – call to be launched in November Project indicators: - Minimum 6 partnerships created for developing/promoting social policies (excluding the project partners); implementing new methods and instruments for fighting discrimination, transfer of expertise regarding inclusion of Roma population; best practice exchange regarding inclusion of long term unemployed persons etc. - Minimum 6 partnerships created for developing/promoting social policies (excluding the project partners); implementing new methods and instruments for fighting discrimination, transfer of expertise regarding inclusion of Roma population; best practice exchange regarding inclusion of long term unemployed persons etc. - Nr. of joint programs developed for labour market inclusion -Nr. of studies, strategies, reports - Nr. of events focused on exchange of experience -Own contribution: 2%
14 Thank you for your attention Alina Bernecker Executive Director: Center for Rural Assistance Timisoara, Ulpia Traiana 113 Tel: Fax: Cell: